Home>Friday Seminar - Oct 21st


Friday Seminar - Oct 21st

Daniel Martins de Almeida Barreto

Daniel MARTINS DE ALMEIDA BARRETO is a PhD Candidate in Economics at Sciences Po working on a thesis entitled Bounded Rationality in Information Economics: Theory and Experimental Evidence, under the supervision of Eduardo PEREZ. He will be going onto the international job market this year.

His research interests are in microeconomic theory, information economics, bounded rationality and political economy.

Daniel MARTINS DE ALMEIDA BARRETO will present a paper at the next Friday Seminar on the theme:

Price Discrimination with Redistributive Concerns (read abstract, PDF 25.38 KB)

More about Daniel MARTINS DE ALMEIDA BARRETO and his research

Date: FRIDAY, October 21st - 12:30 PM
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Room H 405

After the Fall Break, the next Friday Seminar will host Junnan HE and Kerstin HOLZHEU (both Sciences Po) on November 18th.

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