Home>Paris Trade Seminar - Nov 21st


Paris Trade Seminar - Nov 21st


Lin TIAN is Assistant Professor of Economics at INSEAD since 2018. She is also a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Among her editorial duties she is Associate Editor of Regional Science and Urban Economics. Prior to graduate school, she worked as an urban planner at the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore.

Her research interests include international trade, economic geography, urban economics and public finance. Her current research focuses on studying the factors that contribute to the uneven distribution of economic activities across space. In addition, she also studies trade tax in developing countries. In her research, she combines applied theories with well-identified empirical analyses that carefully separate the hypothesized mechanism from confounding factors.

Lin Tian will present a paper, joint with Valerie Smeets and Sharon Traiberman, at the next Paris Trade Seminar on the topic:

Field of Study, Career Choice, and Globalization (read abstract, PDF 28.8 KB)

More about Lin TIAN and her research

Date: TUESDAY, November 21st - 2.45 PM
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Salle Jean-Paul Fitoussi (H 405)

The next Paris Trade Seminar will host Banu DEMIR PAKEL (Oxford) on December 5th.

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  • CNRS
  • Banque de France
  • The CORE Project 
  • The Kellen Foundation

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  • OFCE