Home>Paris Trade Seminar via Zoom - Apr 13th


Paris Trade Seminar via Zoom - Apr 13th

Jan Eeckhout

Jan EECKHOUT is ICREA Research Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona GSE Research Professor, and Professor of Economics at University College London (UCL). He is also a Fellow at the Econometric Society and at the European Economic Association, a Member of the Academia Europae, a Research Associate at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), and a Research Fellow at the CEPR and at CORE. Among his current editorial duties he is on the Editorial Board of the Review of Economic Dynamics and the Journal of Economic Theory

He has teaching and research interests in Macroeconomics, with a special emphasis on the labour market. He studies unemployment, labour market risk, skill diversity, inequality in cities, and the macroeconomic implications of market power. His research has been supported by several government grants, including funding from the National Science Foundation (US) and the European Research Council (Starting and Advanced Grants), as well as private grants.

Jan EECKHOUT will present a paper, joint with Shubhdeep DEB, Aseem PATEL and Lawrence WARREN, at the next Paris Trade Seminar via Zoom on the theme:

Market Power and Wage Inequality (paper to follow)

More about Jan EECKHOUT and his research

Date: Tuesday, April 13th - 2:30 PM
Location: Zoom (link to follow)

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