Home>Paris Trade Seminar via Zoom - June 1st


Paris Trade Seminar via Zoom - June 1st

Thomas Chaney

Thomas CHANEY is Professor of Economics at the Department since 2016. He is currently Joint Managing Editor of the Review of Economic Studies. He is also a Research Fellow at the CEPR (International Trade and Regional Organizations) and a Research Fellow of the CESifo Research Network. Prior to joining the Department he was Professor of Economics at Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).

His primary research fields are International Trade, Networks, Economic History and Finance. He has been awarded important NSF and ERC grants - in 2011, 2013, and most recently in 2020 for his project "Historical Migrations, Trade and Growth".

Thomas CHANEY will present a paper, joint with Leonardo BURSZTYN, Tarek HASSAN, and Aakaash RAO, at the next Paris Trade Seminar via Zoom on the theme:

The Immigrant Next Door: Exposure, Generosity, and Prejudice (read paper)

More about Thomas CHANEY and his research

Date: Tuesday, June 1st - 2:30 PM
Location: Zoom 

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