Home>PEPES Seminar *in-person* - Mar 17th
PEPES Seminar *in-person* - Mar 17th
Mara P. SQUICCIARINI is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Bocconi University. She is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and Cesifo, and a Research Affiliate at the Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (IGIER), Dondena, LEAP, and LICOS.
Her research interests are in Economic History, Economic Growth and Development, Applied Microeconomics. She was recently awarded an ERC Starting Grant on the topic Education, Diversity, Innovation, and Politics.
Mara SQUICCIARINI will present a paper, joint with Enrico BERKES, Davide COLUCCIA, and Gaia DOSSI, at the next PEPES Seminar on the theme:
More about Mara SQUICCIARINI and her research
Date: THURSDAY, March 17th - 12:30 PM
Location: PSE - Jourdan Campus - Room R2-01
The next PEPES Seminar will host Jared RUBIN (Chapman University) on April 7th.