Home>Roy-ADRES Seminar - Mar 25th


Roy-ADRES Seminar - Mar 25th

Krittanai Laohakunakorn

Krittanai LAOHAKUNAKORN is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics at the University of Surrey since 2020. He joined their faculty after being awarded his PhD in Economics by the London School of Economics (LSE).

His most recent work focuses on private information design, organisations with screening, and large matching markets with occupational choice.

Krittanai Laohakunakorn will present a paper, joint with Guilherme Carmona, at the next Roy-ADRES Seminar on the topic:

Monopoly Pricing with Optimal Information (read abstract, PDF 37.43 KB)

More about Krittanai LAOHAKUNAKORN and his research

Date: MONDAY, March 25th - 5 pm
Location: PSE - Jourdan Campus - Room R1-09

The next Roy-ADRES Seminar will host Ryota IIJIMA (Yale) on April 22nd.

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