Home>Roy-ADRES Seminar - Oct 3rd


Roy-ADRES Seminar - Oct 3rd

Peter Buisseret

Peter BUISSERET is Assistant Professor in the Department of Government at Harvard University. Prior to joining Harvard, he was Assistant Professor at the Harris School, at the University of Chicago for five years. Before that, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick. He was awarded a PhD in Economics from Princeton University.

He works in the fields of political economy, and formal theory.

Peter BUISSERET will present a paper at the next Roy-ADRES Seminar on the theme:

Politics Transformed? Electoral Strategies under Ranked Choice Voting (read abstract, PDF 54.93 KB)

More about Peter BUISSERET and his research

Date: MONDAY, October 3rd - 5 PM
Location: PSE - Jourdan Campus - R1-09

The next Roy-ADRES Seminar will host Kevin HE (University of Pennsylvania) on October 10th.


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