Home>Applied Microeconomics Seminar - Oct 10th


Applied Microeconomics Seminar - Oct 10th

Three lightbulbs with filaments indicating environment, economy, and society
(credits: EtiAmmos/shutterstock)
Portrait of Astrid Kunze

Astrid Kunze is Professor of Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). She is also a is Research Fellow at IZA and CESIfo, and an Affiliate of the Stone Centre University College London. Among her editorial duties, this year she is Editor for a special conference issue of EALE - European Association of Labor Economics and since 2023, she is an Associate Editor of the European Economic Review.

Her main research interests are labour economics, family economics, gender economics, and applied micro-econometrics. She is particularly interested in the causal effects of public policies on labour market behaviour and firms' behaviour. She is a contributor to the Handbook on Women and the Economy published with Oxford University Press in 2018. Her research has been published in journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics, Labour Economics, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Empirical Economics and Scandinavian Journal of Economics. In 2020, she received an important grant from the Norwegian Research Council for her project titled Challenges to shaping an inclusive work-life in rapidly changing labour markets: Firms, human capital, and family policy.

Astrid Kunze's website

She will present a paper, joint with Marco Francesconi, at our next Applied Microeconomics Seminar on the topic:

Parental Leave from the Firm’s Perspective (read abstract, PDF 39.82 KB)

Date: Thursday, October 10th - 12.45 pm
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Jean-Paul Fitoussi Room

The next Applied Microeconomics Seminar will host Gabriel Ulyssea (University College London) on October 17th.

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