Home>Applied Microeconomics Seminar - Oct 3rd


Applied Microeconomics Seminar - Oct 3rd

Three lightbulbs with filaments indicating environment, economy, and society
(credits: EtiAmmos/shutterstock)
Portrait of Joshua Blumenstock

Joshua Blumenstock is a Chancellor’s Associate Professor at the University of California (UC) Berkeley School of Information and the Goldman School of Public Policy. He is the Co-director of the Global Policy Lab and the Center for Effective Global Action

His research is at the intersection of machine learning and empirical economics, with a focus on how novel data and technology can better address the needs of poor and vulnerable people around the world. His work has appeared in general interest journals including ScienceNature, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as top economics journals such as the American Economic Review and computer science conferences. He has received a number of awards including the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award, the Intel Faculty Early Career Honor, and the UC Berkeley Chancellor's Award for Public Service.

Joshua Blumenstock's website

Joshua Blumenstock will present a paper at the next Applied Micro Seminar on the topic:

Training Machine Learning to Anticipate Manipulation (read abstract, PDF 39.15 KB)

Date: Thursday, October 3rd - 12.45 pm
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Jean-Paul Fitoussi Room

The next Applied Micro Seminar will host Astrid KUNZE (Norwegian School of Economics) on October 10th. 

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