Home>Applied Microeconomics Seminar - Sept 26th


Applied Microeconomics Seminar - Sept 26th

Three lightbulbs with filaments indicating environment, economy, and society
(credits: EtiAmmos/shutterstock)
Portrait of Giulia Giupponi

Giulia Giupponi is Assistant Professor of Public Economics in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at Bocconi University since 2020. She is also a Research Affiliate in the CESifo Research Network, at the Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (IGIER), at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), and at the IZA Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), a Research Fellow at IFS and at the Baffi Centre for Applied Research on International Markets, Banking, Finance and Regulation (CAREFIN), as well as a Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP). Among her editorial duties, she is Associate Editor of Economica since 2023.

Her research interests lie in the area of labour and public economics, with a focus on the employment and welfare effects of social insurance programs, the impact of minimum wages on firm behavior and the wage structure, and inequalities in the labour market. She has already been awarded a number of grants and in 2022 she was the laureate of Bocconi's Research Excellence Award.

Giulia Giupponi's website

She will present a paper, joint with Stephen Machin, at our next Applied Micro Seminar on the topic:

Company Wage Policy in a Low-Wage Labor Market (read paper)

Date: Thursday, September 26th - 12.45 pm
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Jean-Paul Fitoussi Room

The next Applied Microeconomics Seminar will host Joshua Blumenstock (UC Berkeley) on October 3rd.

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  • Banque de France
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  • OFCE