Home>Departmental Seminar - Nov 4th


Departmental Seminar - Nov 4th

Nora Szech

Nora SZECH holds the Chair for Political Economy at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). She is affiliated to the Berlin Social Science Centre (a WZB Fellow) as well as to CESifo (Research Network Fellow). She is also a member of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group of the University of Chicago. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the European Economic Review. Prior to joining KIT in 2013, she was Professor for Industrial Economics at the University of Bamberg.

Her research focuses on market and competition design, notably with respect to welfare implications and morally relevant behaviour, combining theoretical as well as empirical research methods. The applications of her work range from auction design over labor markets and diversity to ethical consumption and health. Her work has already received substantial recognition. She received the Reinhard Selten Award from the Verein für Socialpolitik. The magazine Capital ranks her “Top 40 under 40“ in the category Society and Science. Her thesis was awarded the best thesis of the year (2010) at the University of Bonn across all fields.

Nora SZECH will present a paper, joint with Marta SERRA-GARCIA, at the next Departmental Seminar on the theme:

The (In)Elasticity of Moral Ignorance  (PDF 1,1 MB)

More about Nora SZECH and her research

The next Departmental Seminar will host Moshe BUCHINKSY (UCLA) on November 18th.

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