Home>Empirical IO Seminar - May 30th


Empirical IO Seminar - May 30th

Shuang Zhang

Shuang ZHANG is Associate Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School. She joined Imperial College last year after teaching at the University of Colorado Boulder. She was a SIEPR Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University, after receiving her PhD in Economics from Cornell.

Her research interests are in environmental and energy economics, climate change, and gender inequality. She has received a number of grants, notably a J-PAL King Climate Action Initiative Research Grant, a National Science Foundation (NSF) Award, and a Columbia University ISERP Seed Grant. She was the recipient of the EPIC-UCAS Center for Energy Policy Research in China Research Award in 2019 (with Koichiro Ito).

Shuang ZHANG will present a paper, joint with Koichiro Ito, at the next Empirical IO Seminar on the theme:

Do Consumers Distinguish Fixed Cost from Variable Cost? “Schmeduling” in Two-Part Tariffs in Energy (read paper)

More about Shuang ZHANG and her research

Date: TUESDAY, May 30th – 3:15 PM
Location: Department of Economics – 4th floor – Salle J-P Fitoussi

This is our last Empirical IO Seminar of the academic year 2022-23: we look forward to seeing you next Fall !

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  • Banque de France
  • The CORE Project 
  • The Kellen Foundation

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  • OFCE