Home>Empirical IO Seminar via Zoom - Dec 1st


Empirical IO Seminar via Zoom - Dec 1st

Michela Tincani

Michela TINCANI is Assistant Professor of Economics at University College London (UCL). She is also a Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). In 2019, she was awarded the UCL Provost's Education Award and a UCL Faculty Education award for outstanding contributions to education at UCL.

She is an applied economist with an interest in social inequalities. She aims to bring together data and economic theory to answer policy relevant questions. Her research work combines novel data collections, large administrative data, experimental and quasi-experimental data with economic theory (dynamic decision-making, general equilibrium, and game theory). 

Michela TINCANI will present a paper, joint with Fabian KOSSE and Enrico MIGLINO, at the next Empirical IO Seminar via Zoom on the theme:

How do beliefs shape the impacts of preferential admissions on student outcomes? (read Abstract, PDF 28.81 KB)

More about Michela TINCANI and her research 

Location: Zoom
Time: 2:45

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