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Exceptional Web Conference
The Department is pleased to be hosting with the Banque de France its annual conference that coincides with the publication of the Financial Stability Review (FSR) in 2021. This annual review is a compilation of articles by academics, experts and financial industry leaders, looking at the challenges to financial stability raised by recent international developments.
This year, the review focuses on whether macroprudential policy is resilient to the pandemic.
Keynote Speaker :
François VILLEROY DE GALHAU, Governor of the Banque de France
He will give the opening address on the The tale of the three stabilities: price stability, financial stability and economic stability, followed by two roundtable discussions with invited guests and Q&A sessions.
The concluding remarks will be made by Sylvie GOULARD, Second Deputy Governor of the Banque de France.
For the list of guest speakers and complete details of the conference, read the programme (PDF 402.22 KB)
When ? Monday March 1st – 4 to 6:30 PM
Where ? Online
If you wish to attend, online registration is mandatory on the Banque de France’s website.