Home>Friday Seminar - Apr 14th
Friday Seminar - Apr 14th
Juan Sebastián IVARS is a PhD Candidate in Economics at Sciences Po working on a thesis entitled Competition, Dynamics, Motivated Beliefs and Team Incentives under the supervision of Jeanne HAGENBACH.
Juan Sebastián IVARS will present a paper, joint with Isac Antonio Olave Cruz, at the next Friday Seminar on the theme:
Manipulation in Procurement Contracts. Evidence from Colombia. (read abstract, PDF 29.56 KB)
More about Juan Sebastián IVARS and his research
Zydney WONG will present a paper at the next Friday Seminar on the theme:
Feedback and Individual Effort in Public Good Games (abstract to follow)
Date: FRIDAY, April 14th - 12:30 PM
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Salle Jean-Paul Fitoussi
The next Friday Seminar will host Dániel GYETVAI & Sophia PRAETORIUS (PhD Candidates, Sciences Po) on April 28th.