Home>Friday Seminar - Dec 2nd


Friday Seminar - Dec 2nd

Moritz Hengel

Moritz HENGEL is a PhD Candidate in Economics at Sciences Po working on a thesis entitled The Political Economy News Production and Consumption in France, under the supervision of Julia CAGÉ.

Moritz HENGEL will present a paper, joint with Julia Cagé and Camille Urvoy, at the next Friday Seminar on the theme:

Hosting Media Bias - Evidence from the Universe of French Broadcasts (2002-2020) (read paper)

More about Moritz HENGEL and his research

Olivia Tsoutsoplidi

Olivia TSOUTSOPLIDI is a PhD Candidate in Economics at Sciences Po working on a thesis entitled Political Reservations and Representation of Women and Minorities, under the supervision of Julia CAGÉ.

Olivia TSOUTSOPLIDI will present a paper, joint with Julia Cagé and Felipe Lauritzen, at the next Friday Seminar on the theme:

Campaign Finance Quotas and Political Representation: Evidence from Brazil (read abstract, PDF 20.74 KB)

More about Olivia TSOUTSOPLIDI and her research

Date: FRIDAY, October 21st - 12:30 PM
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Room H 405

The next Friday Seminar will host Clémence LOBUT and Clemens GRAF von LUCKNER (PhD Candidates, Sciences Po) on December 9th.

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Institutional partnerships for research and innovation

  • CNRS
  • Banque de France
  • The CORE Project 
  • The Kellen Foundation

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  • LEPI
  • OFCE