Home>FRIDAY Seminar - Mar 6th


FRIDAY Seminar - Mar 6th

Zsófia Bárány

Zsófia BÁRÁNY is Assistant Professor of Economics at the Department. She is also a CEPR Research Affiliate for the Macroeconomics and Growth Programme Area and a Research Fellow at at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA).

Her main research interest as a macreconomist is the relationship between growth, technological change, education and its impact on the labour market. Her research tends to combine micro-level data with macro models and aims at understanding the driving forces behind long-run trends in the evolution of labour market outcomes, such as inequality, or job polarization, taking into account individual heterogeneity. Her work has been published in the Journal of Labor Economics and the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. In September 2018, she was awarded a prestigious 4-year ANR grant for her project on Technology and Polarization of Employment (TOPAZE).

Zsófia BÁRÁNY will present a paper, joint with Moshe BUCHINSKY and Tamás K. PAPP, at the next Friday Seminar on the theme:

Technological Changes, the Labor Market, and Schooling - A General Equilibrium Model with Multidimensional Individual Skills (read the abstract, PDF 599,86 KB)

More about Zsófia BÁRÁNY and her research

Date: Fri, 2020-03-06 12:30
Location: Department of Economics, 28 rue des Saints Pères - ROOM H 405

The next Friday Seminar will host Cyril COUAILLIER and Dorian HENRICOTon March 13th.

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