Home>Friday Seminar - Oct 18th
Friday Seminar - Oct 18th
Juan Sebastián Ivars is a PhD candidate in Economics at the Department working on a thesis entitled Competition, Dynamics, Motivated Beliefs and Team Incentives, under the supervision of Jeanne Hagenbach. He is one of the Department's job market candidates this year.
His research interests are primarily in microeconomic theory and industrial organisation. His secondary fields are organisational economics, behavioural economics, and public economics.
He will present his job market paper at our next Friday Seminar on the topic:
Contract Shifting vs. Contract Splitting in Public Procurement (abstract forthcoming)
Date: Friday, October 18th - 12.30
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Jean-Paul Fitoussi Room
The next Friday Seminar will host Aurélien SALAS (PhD candidate Sciences Po) & Makoto NIREI (Visiting faculty, University of Tokyo) on November 8th.