Home>Friday Seminar - Oct 4th


Friday Seminar - Oct 4th

New Research, heading typewritten in black ink on white paper on vintage typewriter
(credits: moomsabuy/shutterstock)
Portrait of Leonard Le Roux

Leonard Le Roux is a PhD candidate in Economics at the Department, working on a thesis entitled Essays on the Economics of African Cities, under the supervision of Benjamin Marx and Pierre-Philippe Combes. He is one of the Department's job market candidates this year.

His research interests include development economics, urban economics, and political economy.

Leonard Le Roux's website

Leonard will present his job market paper at the next Friday Seminar on the topic:

Informality and Violence: Evidence from South Africa (read abstract, PDF 39.79 KB)

Portrait of Dániel Gyetvai

Dániel Gyetvai is a PhD candidate in Economics at the Department working on a thesis entitled Assessing the Optimality of the French Unemployment Insurance Scheme, under the supervision of Pierre Cahuc. He is one of the Department's job market candidates this year.

His research interests are primarily in labour economics, policy evaluation, and applied econometrics. His secondary fields are microeconometrics and macroeconomics.

Dániel Gyetvai will also present his job market paper at our next Friday Seminar on the topic:

The Differential Wage Effect of Unemployment Insurance by Entitlement Status: A New Piece of the UI-Wages Puzzle? (read abstract, PDF 42.18 KB)

Date: Friday, October 4th - *12.30 to 3.15 pm* (exceptional)
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Jean-Paul Fitoussi Room

The next Friday Seminar will host Diego de SOUSA RODRIGUES (JMC, PhD candidate Sciences Po) on October 11th.

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