Home>Friday Seminar via Zoom - Mar 26th
Friday Seminar via Zoom - Mar 26th
Clémence LOBUT is a PhD candidate in Economics at Sciences Po, working on a thesis entitled Les effets de l'utilisation du numérique sur les apprentissages des élèves, under the supervision of Denis FOUGÈRE.
Clémence LOBUT will present a paper, joint with Ghazala AZMAT and Denis FOUGÈRE, at the next Friday Seminar via Zoom on the theme:
Ségal LE GUERN HERRY is a PhD candidate in Economics at Sciences Po, working on a thesis entitled Essays on Behavioural Responses to Taxation, under the supervision of Jean-Marc ROBIN and Gabriel ZUCMAN (UC Berkeley).
Ségal LE GUERN HERRY will present a paper, joint with Jeanne BOMARE, at the next Friday Seminar via Zoom on the theme:
Will we ever be able to track offshore wealth? How suspect investments responded to automatic exchange of information (abstract to follow)
Date: Friday, March 26th - 12:30 PM
Location: Zoom