Home>Paris Trade Seminar - May 23rd


Paris Trade Seminar - May 23rd

Daniel XU

Daniel XU is Professor of Economics at Duke University. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Among his editorial duties, he is Co-Editor of the Review of Economics and Statistics as well as Associate Editor of the Rand Journal of Economics and AEJ: Applied.

His research interests include productivity/innovation, international trade/industrial organisation/development. His work lies at the intersection of productivity, international trade, and industrial organisation. In particular, his research is concentrated on using large-scale micro data to model and estimate a rich set of individual firm decisions, often dynamic, and to investigate how these decisions affect resource allocation, industry performance, and economic growth especially in developing and emerging economies.

Daniel XU will present a paper at the next Paris Trade Seminar on the theme:

Regulating Conglomerates in China : Evidence from an Energy Conservation Program

More about Daniel XU and his research

Date: TUESDAY, May 23rd - 2:30 PM
Location: PSE - Jourdan Campus - *Amphitheater*
NB This seminar is part of the conference ‘PSE Global issues Conference “Re/De/Globalization”, 22-24 May 2023

The next Paris Trade Seminar will host Tibor BESEDES (Georgia Institute of Technology) on June 13th.

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  • Banque de France
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  • The Kellen Foundation

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  • OFCE