Home>PEPES Seminar - Oct 17th


PEPES Seminar - Oct 17th

Voters from different walks of life placing their ballots
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Portrait of Charles Angelucci

Charles Angelucci is the Class of 1957 Career Development Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at the Sloan School of Management of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Prior to joining Sloan, he was an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Columbia Business School

He conducts research in Organizational Economics and Political Economy, with a particular interest in governance issues and news media markets.

Charles Angelucci's website

He will present a paper, joint with Elliott Ash and Nicolas Longuet-Marx, at the next PEPES Seminar on the topic:

Nationalization and Polarization of American Legislatures: Evidence from State Statutes (1787 to 2020) (abstract forthcoming)

Date: Thursday, October 17th - 12.30 pm
Location: PSE - Jourdan Campus - Room R2-01

The next PEPES Seminar will host Guillaume BLANC (University of Manchester) on November 7th.

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