Home>PEPES Seminar *in-person* - Nov 18th
PEPES Seminar *in-person* - Nov 18th
*This seminar will take place in-person*
Jeanet SINDIG BENTZEN is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. She is also a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Economic Policy and Research (CEPR), an External Research Associate at CAGE (Warwick University) and the Executive Director of the Association of Economics, Religion, and Culture (ASREC). Among her editorial activities, she is an Associate Editor of The Economic Journal.
Her research focuses on economic approaches to decision-making and culture, and includes topics related to religion, institutions, economic growth, economic history, and geographic confounders. Most of her recent work is within the Economics of Religion field. Methodologically, she uses econometric techniques to test theories from psychology, sociology, theology, and anthropology empirically. Her methodology involves broad datasets spanning the globe, allowing testing of the generalizability of the various theories.
Jeanet SINDIG BENTZEN will present a paper, joint with Lars HARHOFF ANDERSEN, at the next PEPES Seminar on the theme:
In the Name of God! Religiosity and the Transition to Modern Growth (read abstract, PDF 25.09 KB)
More about Jeanet SINDIG BENTZEN and her research
Date: THURSDAY, November 18th - 12:30 PM
Location: PSE, Jourdan Campus - Room R2-01
Our next PEPES Seminar will be dedicated to our Junior Researchers Etienne MADINIER (PhD Candidate, PSE) and Edgard DEWITTE (PhD Candidate, Sciences Po) on December 16th.