Home>Roy-ADRES Seminar *in-person* - Oct 18th


Roy-ADRES Seminar *in-person* - Oct 18th

Andriy Zapechelnyuk

*This seminar will take place in-person, at PSE*

Andriy ZAPECHELNYUK is Professor at the School of Economics and Finance of the University of St Andrews. Before joining St Andrews in 2017, he taught at the University of Glasgow. He was a Research Fellow at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics of the University of Bonn and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for the Study of Rationality of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

His research interests lie in the field of microeconomic theory and applications, focusing on communication and information design, optimal contracts, and robust decision theory. He is currently running an ESRC grant project on Theoretical Foundations and Design of Persuasion Mechanisms, together with Hisayuki YOSHIMOTO (University of Glasgow) and Anton KOLOTILIN (UNSW Australia).

Andriy ZAPECHELNYUK will present a paper, joint with Tymofiy MYLOVANOV, at the next Roy-ADRES Seminar on the theme:

A Model of Debates: Moderation VS Free Speech (read paper, PDF 379.29 KB)

More about Andriy ZAPECHELNYUK and his research

Date : MONDAY, October 18th - 5 PM
Location : PSE - Jourdan Campus - Room R1-09

The next Roy-ADRES Seminar will host Francisco POGGI (University of Mannheim) on November 8th.

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