Home>Structural Seminar - Oct 1st


Structural Seminar - Oct 1st

Vector gear infographic elements
(credits: filip robert/shutterstock)
Portrait of Isis Durrmeyer

Isis Durrmeyer is Professor of Economics at the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE). She is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Prior to joining the TSE, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Mannheim.

Her research is at the intersection of empirical industrial economics and public policy evaluation. She has developed structural models to evaluate environmental policies in the automobile market and urban transportation policies. In 2019, she was awarded a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for her project Understanding price dispersion: new structural models of price discrimination and applications (PRIDISP).

Isis Durrmeyer's website

Isis Durrmeyer will present a paper, joint with Nicolás Martínez, at the next Structural Seminar on the topic:

The Welfare Consequences of Urban Traffic Regulations (read paper, PDF 4.45 MB)

Date: Tuesday, October 1st - 12.30 pm
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Jean-Paul Fitoussi Room

The next Structural Seminar will host Joan MONRAS (UPF and BSE) on October 15th.


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Institutional partnerships for research and innovation

  • CNRS
  • Banque de France
  • The CORE Project 
  • The Kellen Foundation

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  • LEPI
  • OFCE