One of Sciences Po’s key objectives is to make a significant contribution to methodological, epistemological and theoretical advances in the humanities and social sciences. Sciences Po’s mission is also to share the results of its research with the international research community, students, and more broadly, society as a whole.
Research projects are a means par excellence of contributing to the advancement in the humanities and social sciences. Not only are they an opportunity to explore in depth innovative approaches to economics but they also foster collaboration and the creation of networks in and across fields, academic institutions and countries.
The Department's faculty members are particularly successful in obtaining international and national grants for undertaking cutting-edge research in economics - the last HCERES report qualifies their performance as "extraordinary", notably regarding the number of European Research Council (ERC) grants, by far the post competitive, which are represented in at least five of the Department's research areas.
The following pages give an overview of all of the research projects (both ongoing and completed) undertaken by the Department since its creation a mere decade ago :
Our partners
Institutional partnerships for research and innovation
- Banque de France
- The CORE Project
- The Kellen Foundation
Other research centres