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Applied Microeconomics Seminar

Three lightbulbs with filaments indicating environment, economy, and society
(credits: EtiAmmos/shutterstock)

The Applied Microeconomics Seminar is a seminar series organised in alternance with the PEPES seminar. Created in the Fall 2023, it presents applied work in labour, development, public finance, political economy and economic history.

Thursdays, 12.45 to 2 PM.

The applied micro seminar is organised by Claire Montialoux and Suzanna Khalifa.
Administrative correspondent: Lucie DESRAMAUT (email).

*NEW* If you would like to schedule an appointment with our guest speakers, register online (Google form)

Upcoming seminar


September 12th - Nava ASHRAF (LSE)
Meaning at Work

September 26th - Giulia GIUPPONI (Bocconi)
Company Wage Policy in a Low-Wage Labor Market

October 3rd - Joshua BLUMENSTOCK (UC Berkeley)
Training Machine Learning to Anticipate Manipulation

October 10th - Astrid KUNZE (NHH)
Parental Leave from the Firm’s Perspective

October 17th - Gabriel ULYSSEA (UCL)
Who Benefits from Social Housing? Experimental Evidence from a Large-Scale Program in Brazil

November 14th - Kate ORKIN (Oxford)
Hiring on Skills or Qualifications

November 21st - Laura KHOURY (Paris Dauphine - PSL)
Peer Effects in Prison

November 28th - Juliana LONDOÑO-VELEZ (UCLA)
The Impact of Being Denied a Wanted Abortion on Women and Their Children

December 5th - Manisha SHAH (UC Berkeley)
Sex, Power, and Adolescence: Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Behaviors


March 13th - Alexandra ROULET (INSEAD)
Employment Effects of Wages and Payroll Taxes: Elasticities from the French 35-hour Reform

March 27th - Natalie BAU (UCLA)

April 10th - Michela TINCANI (University College London)

May 22nd - Alison ANDREWS (Oxford University)

June 12th - Nathan SEEGERT (University of Utah)


September 21st - Clément MALGOUYRES (Paris School of Economics)
From Public Labs to Private Firms: Magnitude and Channels of R&D Spillovers

October 19th - Jack WILLIS (Visiting, on leave from Columbia)
Land Rental Markets: Experimental Evidence from Kenya

*EXCEPTIONAL SCHEDULING* November 13th - Joseph ALTONJI (Yale)
Returns to Specific Graduate Degrees: Estimates Using Texas Administrative Records

November 30th - Nina ROUSSILLE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Secrecy as a Collective Bargaining Tactic: Evidence from Hollywood


*EXCEPTIONAL SCHEDULING* April 22nd - Barbara PIASI (Yale)
How Political Institutions Shape Education Spending: Supermajority Requirements in U.S. School Capital Investments
*Joint with Departmental Seminar*

May 15th - Mushfiq MOBARAK (Yale)
Daughters Left Behind: How Trade Liberalization Harms Girls in China when Government Restricts Migration

June 6th - Aurélie OUSS (Visiting Faculty, UPenn)
Conviction, Incarceration, and Recidivism: Understanding the Revolving Door
*Joint with PEPES Seminar: to meet the speaker, please fill out PEPES Google form*