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Friday Seminar

New Research, heading typewritten in black ink on white paper on vintage typewriter
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Friday seminars are dedicated to presentations by doctoral students from Sciences Po and also for research in progress by academics at Sciences Po. It is strongly recommended that second and third year PhD students present their first or second thesis chapters.

Fridays, 12.30 - 2.30 pm

Seminar organised by Stefan Pollinger and Franz Ostrizek.
Administrative correspondent: Lucie DESRAMAUT (email)

Upcoming seminar

September 13th - Gustave KENEDI (JMC, PhD Sciences Po)
Older Schoolmate Spillovers on Higher Education Choices

September 20th - Paul BOUSCASSE (Sciences Po) & Felipe SAFFIE (Visiting, UVA Darden)
Respectively: Monetary-Fiscal Interactions in the United States & Stochastic Volatility in Interest Rates and Trend Cycles

*postponed* September 27th 

October 4th - Léonard LE ROUX (JMC, PhD Sciences Po)
Informality and Violence: Evidence from South Africa
Dániel GYETVAI (JMC, PhD Sciences Po)
The Differential Wage Effect of Unemployment Insurance by Entitlement Status: A New Piece of the UI-Wages Puzzle?
*Exceptionally, two back-to-back Friday Seminars*

October 11th - Diego DE SOUSA RODRIGUES (PhD Sciences Po)
Inventories Matter for the Transmission of Monetary Policy: Uncovering the Cost-of-Carry Channel

October 18th - Juan Sebastián IVARS (PhD Sciences Po)
Contract Shifting vs Contract Splitting in Public Procurement

November 8th - Makoto NIREI (Visiting Faculty Sciences Po) & Niklas SCHOCH (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Investment Avalanches, Heterogeneity and Business Cycles & Emissions Trading with Supply Adjustment Mechanisms and Market Power

November 22nd - Pauline MADIÈS (PhD Sciences Po) & Yuchen HUANG (Postdoc Sciences Po)
Respectively: Gender Homophily in Team Formation & Non-Meritocrats or Conformist Meritocrats? A Redistribution Experiment in China and France

November 29th - Sophia PRAETORIUS (PhD Sciences Po) & Agathe DENIS (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Technology, Trade and Industrial Policy & The Effect of Tax Incentives on Firms’ Charitable Donations in France

December 6th - Venance RIBLIER (PhD Sciences Po and UC Berkeley) & Valentin MARCHAL (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Age and Business Cycle Volatility  & When Preferences Cap Consumption: A Scrooge McDuck Theory of Wealth Dynamics

December 13th - Olivia TSOUTSOPLIDI (PhD Sciences Po)
Social Movements Complementarity: The Case of Worker and Women's Rights

March 14th - Stefan POLLINGER (Sciences Po)
Eliciting the Social Cost of Carbon

March 21st - Pierre CAHUC (Sciences Po)

March 28th - Nathaniel BUTLER BLONDEL (PhD Sciences Po)
Financial Regulation and Fiscal Dominance

April 4th - James P. ZILIAK (University of Kentucky) 

April 11th - Naomi COHEN (PhD Sciences Po) & David ARBOLEDA (RA Sciences Po)
Respectively : International Risk-Sharing and Inequality Transmission: An Application to the Euro Area & Fitting a Curve to the Pre-Trends

April 18th - Jean-Stéphane MÉSONNIER (Sciences Po, Banque de France) & Swann CHELLY (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively : Climate Activism and Bank Lending to Fossil Fuel Firms & Spatial Comovement

April 25th - Luis DÍAZ (PhD Sciences Po) & Constance FROHLY (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively : Industrial Policy under External Economies of Scale and Agglomeration in a Small Open Economy & Private School Openings and Social Segregation in French Middle Schools

May 16th - Niki ZAMPETAKIS (PhD Sciences Po) & Junnan HE (Sciences Po)
Respectively: Upstream Collusion and Vertical Contracting & TBA

 June 6th - Olivia TSOUTSOPLIDI (PhD Sciences Po) & Nicolas GHIO (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Social Movement Complementarity & Heterogeneous Effects of Active Labor Market Policy

June 13th - Johanne ROTH (PhD Sciences Po) & Fatimetou EL BAH (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Job Search and Homelessness & Teacher Mobility in Priority Education Networks


September 15th - Martin BERNSTEIN (Research Fellow) & Roseanne LOGEART (PhD PSE)
Respectively: Can You Push on a String? Evidence from 19th Century Monetary Stimulus & Does Access Mean Success? Connection to Policy-Makers and Lobbying Success of Political Actors

September 22nd - Junnan HE (Sciences Po) & Fatimetou EL BAH (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Random Choice and Differentiation & Class Size and Students' Performance

September 29th - Victor SAINT-JEAN (PhD Sciences Po)
Exit or Voice? Divestment, Activism, and Corporate Social Responsibility

October 6th - Aurélien SALAS (PhD Sciences Po) & Fanghua LI (University of New South Wales)
Respectively: Can Individuals Game Recommendation Systems? An experiment & Formal Insurance and Rural Urban Migration

October 13th - Ségal LE GUERN HERRY (PhD Sciences Po)
Wealth Taxation and Portfolio Allocation at the Top

October 20th - Evgeny YAKOVLEV (Visiting Research Fellow)
Death Toll of Price Limits and Protectionism in the Russian Pharmaceutical Market

November 10th - Zheng WANG (Postdoctoral Researcher, CREST)
The Identification of Endogenous Network Linking Effects Using Latent Propensity Scores

November 17th - Eugenio VERRINA (Postdoctoral Researcher Sciences Po) & Franz OSTRIZEK (Sciences Po)
Respectively: Personal Norms — and not only social norms — Shape Economic Behaviour & It's All in Your Head: Financial Markets without Noise Traders

November 24th - Jeanne COMMAULT (Sciences Po) & Clément IMBERT (Sciences Po)
Respectively: Earnings Risks and the Concavity of Consumption in Permanent Earnings & Structural Transformation and Deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa

December 1st - Georgia THÉBAULT (Postdoctoral Researcher, Sciences Po) & Clément DE CHAISEMARTIN (Sciences Po)
Respectively: Lucky or Not? The Effects of Getting Your First Choice in Higher Education & TBA

December 8th - Valentin MARCHAL (PhD Sciences Po) & Dániel GYETVAI (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Productivity Shocks Impacting Unproductive Bubbles & Firm Characteristics and Hiring Patterns in France

December 15th - Naomi COHEN (PhD Sciences Po) & Claire MONTIALOUX (Sciences Po)
Respectively:I nternational Risk Sharing and Inequality Transmission & Does Equalizing School Funding Equalize Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from Brazil


March 8th - Nourhan HASHISH (PhD Sciences Po) & Laure GOURSAT (Postdoc, Sciences Po)
Respectively: Drought Declarations and Voting Outcomes &Whether and Where to Apply? Information and Discrimination in Matching with Priority Scores

March 15th - Raphaël LEVY (Visiting faculty one leave from HEC Paris) & Antoine JACQUET (Postdoc, Sciences Po)
Respectively: Adverse selection and training distortions & Culture, Human Capital, and Marital Homogamy in France

March 22nd - Johannes BOEHM (Sciences Po) & Martin MUGNIER (Postdoc, Oxford)
Respectively: Trade and the End of Antiquity & Fixed Effects Quantile Regression via Deconvolutional Differencing in Short Panels

March 29th - Mylène FEUILLADE (PhD, Sciences Po) & Juan IVARS (PhD, Sciences Po)
Respectively: Gender, Households and Agglomeration Economics & Rules vs rules. Manipulation of procurement contracts in Colombia

April 5th - Daniela HORTA SAENZ (PhD, AMSE) & Diego DE SOUSA RODRIGUES (PhD, Sciences Po)
Respectively: Nation Building in Post-Conflict Settings & Food Crisis and Debt Distress

April 26th - Oda NEDREGÅRD (Latour Postdoc, Sciences Po) & Julia CAGÉ (Sciences Po)
Respectively:The Effect of Legislative Misalignment on the Representation of Constituency Interests & The Far-Right Donation Gap

May 3rd - Olivia TSOUTSOPLIDI (PhD, Sciences Po) & Sophia PRAETORIUS (PhD, Sciences Po) 
Respectively: Determinants of Women’s Emancipation Movements & Collaboration in Technology and Multinational Production

May 17th - Sam MARSHALL (Visiting PhD, Warwick) & Felipe LAURITZEN (PhD, Sciences Po)
Respectively: Labor Market Power in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Small Firms, Self-Employment, and Migration &  Campaign Finance Quotas and Descriptive Representation: Evidence from Brazil, 2002-2022

May 31st - Johanna ROTH (PhD, Sciences Po) & Agathe DENIS (PhD, Sciences Po)
Respectively: Unemployment and Soft Skills & Lobbying, Senator Participation, and Mandate Length 

June 7th - Itzhak RASOOLY (Postdoc, Sciences Po) & Nicolas GHIO (PhD, Sciences Po)
Respectively: Do Numbers Matters? An Experiment on Policy Preferences & Heterogeneous Effects of Active Labour Market Policies

June 14th - Niklas SCHOCH (PhD, Sciences Po) & Muzin LI (Visiting CIVICA Postdoc)
Respectively: Climate Policy with Industry Concentration: The Role of Technology Adoption & Self-Preferencing Across Markets

September 23rd - Edgard DEWITTE (PhD Sciences Po)
The Historical Roots of Climate Change

September 30th - Jean-Marc ROBIN (Sciences Po)
Identity and Marriage: Lessons from German Reunification

October 7th - Victor AUGIAS (PhD Sciences Po)
Investment Incentives and Discriminations

October 21st - Daniel M.-A. BARRETO (PhD Sciences Po)
Price Discrimination with Redistributive Concerns

November 18th - Junnan HE (Sciences Po) & Kerstin HOLZHEU (Sciences Po)
Respectively: A Glass Ceiling in Venture Financing: Evidence from Business Accelerator Graduates & Worker Mobility and Firm Productivity

November 25th - Julia CAGÉ (Sciences Po)
Political Donations, Charitable Giving, and Ideology

December 2nd - Moritz HENGEL (PhD Sciences Po) & Olivia TSOUTSOPLIDI (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Hosting Media Bias - Evidence from the Universe of French Broadcasts (2000-2020) & Campaign Finance Quotas and Political Representation: Evidence from Brazil

December 9th - Clemens GRAF VON LUCKNER (PhD Sciences Po) & Clémence LOBUT (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: The Social Costs of Sovereign Default & Teacher Value Added and Pedagogical Practices

December 16th - Jean-Stéphane MÉSONNIER (Banque de France and Sciences Po)
Some Don't Like It Hot: Bank Customers and NGO Campaigns Against "Brown" Banks

March 10th - Valentin MARCHAL (PhD Sciences Po) & Léonard LE ROUX (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Stranded Rational Bubbles & Market Structure, Rents, and Violence in the South African Minibus Taxi Industry

March 17th - Nourhan HASHISH (PhD Sciences Po) & Aurélien SALAS (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Robots at Work and Voting Behaviours: Evidence from South Korea & Understanding Recommendation Systems

March 24th - Victor SAINT JEAN (PhD Candidate Sciences Po)
Exit or Voice? Divestment, Activism, and Corporate Social Responsibility

March 31st - Mylène FEUILLADE (PhD Sciences Po) & Claudius WILLEM (PhD Sciences Po)
Household, Gender, and Agglomeration Economics & Red Ball Express: The Legacy of US Liberation Troops in WWII France

April 7th - Gustave KENEDI (PhD Sciences Po) & Marco COLLEONI (Visiting PhD, European University Institute)
Respectively: The Persistence of Higher Education Choices & The Long Term Effect of Colonial State Capacity: Evidence from Central India

April 14th - Juan Sebastián IVARS (PhD Sciences Po) & Zydney WONG (PhD Sciences Po)
Respectively: Manipulation in Procurement Contracts: Evidence from Colombia & Feedback and Individual Effort in Public Good Games

April 28th - Dániel GYETVAI (PhD Sciences Po) & Sophia PRAETORIUS (PhD Sciences Po)
Human Capital Diversification in Anticipation of Sectoral Shocks & Innovation and Diversification in the Automobile Industry

May 5th - Ségal LE GUERN HERRY (PhD Sciences Po)
Behavioural Responses to a Progressive Property Tax

May 12th - Antoine CAMOUS (Visiting Faculty, on leave from the University of Mannheim)
Financial Stability and Financial Regulation under Diagnostic Expectations

May 26th - Jeanne COMMAULT (Sciences Po)
Heterogeneity in MPCs Beyond Liquidity Constraints: The Role of Persistent Earnings