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Roy-ADRES Seminar

Portrait of René Roy and stylised equations

The aim of the Roy-ADRES seminar is mainly the development of Economic Theory, in particular through its ramifications towards applied fields including Industrial Organisation, Market Design, Insurance, Finance, Public Economics, Political Economy, Labour Economics and the dialogue with complementary methodologies (structural econometrics, experimental economics).

Mondays, from 4 to 5.15 pm at the Paris School of Economics (PSE).

The Roy-ADRES Seminar is co-organised by David SPECTOR (PSE), Nikhil VELLODI (PSE), and Franz OSTRIZEK (Sciences Po), under the direction of Evan FRIEDMAN (PSE).

Administrative correspondant at Sciences Po: Stéphanie Berrebi

To register for the ROY mailing list and receive the details of the sessions, the schedule and so on, follow this link.

Upcoming seminar

September 16th - Pierpaolo BATTIGALLI (Bocconi)
Monotonicity and Robust Implementation Under Forward-Induction Reasoning

September 23rd - Julia SALMI (University of Copenhagen)
Dynamic Evidence Disclosure: Delay the Good to Accelerate the Bad

September 30th - Roberto CORRAO (MIT)
Optimally Course Contracts

October 7th - Thomas BRZUSTOWSKI (University of Essex)
Optimal Allowance with Limited Auditing Capacity

October 14th - Mariagiovanna BACCARA (Washington State University Saint Louis)
Research Waves

November 4th - Quitze VALENZUELA-STOOKEY (UC Berkeley)
Mechanism Reform: An Application to Child Welfare

November 18th - Tom PALFREY (CalTech)
Dynamic Collective Action and the Power of Large Numbers

November 25th - Marco OTTAVIANI (Bocconi)
Self-Selection, Evaluation and Optimal Ordeals

December 2nd - Paul HEIDHUES (Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics)
Misinterpreting Yourself

*CANCELLED* December 9th - Yassine LEFOULLI (Toulouse School of Economics)

December 16th -  Yue YUAN (University College London)
Security Design under Common-Value Competition

March 3rd - Syngjoo CHOI (Seoul National University)
Behavioural Attenuation in Networks

March 10th - Andreas KLEINER (Bonn University)
From Design to Disclosure

March 17th - Elliot LIPNOWSKI (Yale University)

March 24th - Sarah AUSTER (Bonn University)

March 31st - Doruk CETEMEN (Royal Holloway)

April 7th - Kfir ELIAZ (Tel-Aviv University)

April 28th - Anqi LI (University of Waterloo)

May 5th - Heidi Christina THYSEN (Norwegian School of Economics)

May 12th - Utku ÜNVER (Boston College)

May 19th - Marina HALAC (Yale University)

May 26th - Zvika NEEMAN (Tel-Aviv University)

June 2nd - Miaomiao DONG (Penn State University)

Fall Semester 2023

September 11th - Giacomo LANZANI (Harvard/University of California at Berkeley)
Selective Memory Equilibrium

September 18th - In-Uck PARK (University of Bristol)
Information Sale and Trade

September 25th - Evgenii SAFONOV (Queen Mary University London)
Slow and Easy: a Theory of Browsing

October 2nd - Aditya KUVALEKAR (University of Essex)
Similarity of Information in Games

October 9th - Jean-Edouard COLLIARD (HEC Paris)
Algorithmic Pricing and Liquidity in Securities Markets

October 16th - Nick NETZER (University of Zürich)
Endogenous Risk Attitudes

October 23rd - Dmitry ORLOV (Wisconsin-Madison University)
Exchanging Information

November 13th - Jacob GOEREE (University of New South Wales)
A Synthesis of (Behavioral) Game Theory

November 20th - Shaowei KE (University of Michigan)
Decision Making Under Multidimensional Uncertainty

November 27th - Andreas BLUME (University of Arizona)
Meaning in Communication Games

December 4th - Christopher SANDMANN (LSE)
Market Structure and Adverse Selection

December 11th -  David WALKER-JONES (University of Surrey)
Difficult Decisions

Winter-Spring Semester 2024

March 4th - Itzhak GILBOA (HEC Paris, Reichman University)
Likelihood Regions: An Axiomatic Approach

March 11th - Henrique CASTRO-PIRES (University of Surrey)
The Effect of Exit Rights on Cost-based Procurement Contracts

March 18th - Pietro ORTOLEVA (Princeton)
When to Decide: Timing of Choice in Parallel Search

March 25th - Krittanai LAOHAKUNAKORN (University of Surrey)
Monopoly Pricing with Optimal Information

April 22nd - Ryota IIJIMA (Yale)
Multidimensional Screening with Rich Consumer Data

April 29th - Ariel RUBENSTEIN (New York University, Tel Aviv University)
No prices and no games: the case of matching problems

May 6th - David DILLENBERGER (University of Pennsylvania)
Allocation Mechanisms with Mixture-Averse Preferences

May 13th - Daniel HAUSER (Aalto University)
Behavioral Foundations of Model Misspecification

May 27th - Alessandro LIZZERI (Princeton)
Facts and Opinions

June 3rd - Filip MATEJKA (CERGE-EI)
Thinking versus Doing: Cognitive Capacity, Deceision Making, and Medical Diagnosis

June 10th - Ce LIU (Michigan State University)
Coalitions in Repeated Games

June 17th - Matias NUNEZ (CREST, École Polytechnique)
Price & Choose

September 12th - Emir KAMENICA (Chicago Booth, School of Business)
Comparisons of Signals

September 19th - Rani SPIEGLER (Berglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv University and University College London)
False Narratives and Political Mobilization

September 26th - Jorgen WEIBULL (Stockholm School of Economics and Toulouse School of Economics)
A Framework for Spatial Political Analysis

October 3rd - Peter BUISSERET (Department of Government, Harvard University)
Politics Transformed? Electoral Strategies under Ranked Choice Voting

October 10th - Kevin HE (University of Pennsylvania)
Learning from Viral Content

October 17th -  Jan KNOEPFLE (Queen Mary University of London)
Should the Timing of Inspections Be Random?

October 24th -  Vincenzo DENICOLÒ (Bocconi University)
Acquistitions, Innovation, and the Entrenchment of Monopoly

November 14th - Bruno STRULOVICI (Northwestern University)
Social Learning by Truth-Insensitive Investigators

November 21st - Tommaso DENTI (Cornell University)
Blackwell correlated equilibrium

November 28th -  Mira FRICK (Yale)
Welfare Comparisons for Biased Learning

December 5th - Goncalves DUARTE (University College London)
Sequential Sampling Equilibrium

*exceptional scheduling* December 8th -  Anne-Kathrin ROESLER (University of Toronto)
How Informed Do You Want Your Principal to Be?

December 12th -  Tangren FENG (Bocconi)
Interim Strategy-Proof Mechanisms: Designing Simple Mechanisms in Complex Environments

March 6th - Benjamin BROOKS (University of Chicago)
On the Structure of Informationally Robust Optimal Mechanisms

March 13th -  Alessandro PAVAN  (Northwestern University)
Knowing your Lemon before You Dump It

March 20th - Bruno JULLIEN (Toulouse School of Economics)
Communication, Feedback and Repeated Moral Hazard with Short-lived Buyers

March 27th - Stephen MORRIS (MIT)
Screening with Persuasion

April 3rd - Daniel GOTTLIEB (London School of Economics)
Market Power and Insurance Coverage

May 15th - Thomas MARIOTTI (Toulouse School of Economics)
Keeping the Agents in the Dark: Private Disclosures in Competing Mechanisms

May 22nd - Christian KELLNER (University of Southampton)
Timing Decisions under Model Uncertainty

June 5th - Joe HARRINGTON (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)
Cost Coordination

June 12th - Sara SHAHANAGHI (Toulouse School of Economics)
Competition and Herding in Breaking News

June 19th - Geoffroy DE CLIPPEL (University of Brown)
Departures from Preference Maximization and Violations of the Sure-Thing Principle

September 13th - Mohammad AKBARPOUR (Stanford)
Investment Incentives in Near-Optimal Mechanisms

September 20th - Paula ONUCHIC (Oxford)
Signaling and Discrimination in Collaborative Projects

September 27th - Zvika NEEMAN (Tel Aviv University)
Communication with Endogenous Deception Costs

October 4th - Ludvig SINANDER (Oxford)
Agenda-Manipulation in Ranking

October 11th - Jeffrey ELY (Northwestern)
Ruth, Anthony, and Clarence

October 18th - Andriy ZAPECHELNYUK (University of St Andrews)
A Model of Debates: Moderation VS Free Speech

November 8th - Francisco POGGI (University of Mannheim)
A Taxation Principle with Non-Contractible Events

November 15th - Andrea GALEOTTI (London School of Business)
Market Segmentation through Information

November 22nd - Roland STRAUSZ (Humboldt University Berlin)
Principled Mechanism Design with Evidence

November 29th - Takuro YAMASHITA (Toulouse School of Economics)
A Mediator Approach to Mechanism Design with Limited Commitment

December 6th -  Daniel F. GARRETT (Toulouse School of Economics and University of Essex)
Relational Contracts: Public versus Private Savings

March 7th - Nick ARNOSTI (University of Minnesota)
Talk based on Lottery Design for School Choice and A Continuum Model of Stable Matching With Finite Capacities

March 14th - Gregorio CURELLO (University of Bonn)
Incentives for Collective Innovation

March 21st - Annie LIANG (Northwestern University)
Algorithmic Design: Fairness Versus Accuracy

March 28th - Benjamin GOLUB (Northwestern University)
Taxes and Market Power: A Network Approach

April 4th - Hector CHADE (Arizona State University)
Multidimensional Screening and Menu Design in Health Insurance Markets

*POSTPONED* April 11th - Colin STEWART (University of Toronto)
Demand in the Dark

May 9th - Evan FRIEDMAN (University of Essex)
Quantal Response Equilibrium with Symmetry: Representation and Applications

May 16th - Bruno STRULOVICI (Northwestern University)
Can Society Function Without Ethical Agents? An Informational Perspective

May 23rd - Petér KONDOR (London School of Economics)
Cleansing by Tight Credit: Rational Cycles and Endogenous Lending Standards

May 30th - Shengwu LI (Harvard)
A Theory of Ex Post Rationalization

June 13th - Matt ELLIOTT (University of Cambridge) 
Market Segmentation through Information

June 20th - Colin STEWART (University of Toronto)
Demand in the Dark