Emeric HENRY
Head of the Department, ANR Project SOSELF, CEPR Research Fellow

Emeric HENRY joined the Department in 2009 and is Professor of Economics as well as Head of the Department since 2024. He is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). He was the Scientific Director of the Master's and PhD in Economics programmes at Sciences Po from 2013 to 2019.
Emeric Henry is a microeconomist, using theory, experimental and empirical methods to study questions in law and economics. His research interest include economics of innovation and political economy. He regularly publishes in internationally recognized journals such as the Journal of Political Economy, and the American Economic Review, as well as in more specialized reviews - the American Economic Journal: Micro/Policy, Management Science, JEEA, PlosOne, PNAS... In 2009 he was awarded the "Chaire d'Excellence Junior" by the French National Research Agency - the Agence Nationale de la recherche (ANR). Along with another permanent faculty member of the Department (Yann ALGAN), Emeric HENRY was awarded the "Deutsche Bahn Prize" for outstanding research in organization and management. He was also a Fullbright and Schultz Scholar. In 2021 he was awarded an ANR and a McCourt Grant.
Prior to joining Sciences Po, Emeric HENRY was an Assistant Professor at the London Business School. Emeric HENRY received his PhD in Economics from Stanford University after completion of his Master's Degree in Management Science and Engineering.
He also holds a Master's Degree in statistics and economics from ENSAE.
To learn more about Emeric HENRY, consult his website
featured publications
- "How laws affect the perception of norms: empirical evidence from the lockdown (with R. Galbiati, N. Jacquemet and M. Lobeck). PlosOne, 2021.
- “When in Rome...on local norms and sentencing decisions” (with D. Abrams, R. Galbiati and A. Philippe). Journal of European Economic Association, 2021.
- "Checking and sharing Alt-facts on social networks" (with K. Zhuravskaya and S. Guriev). American Economic Journal: Policy, 2021.
- "Fake news, fact-checking and information in times of post-truth politics" (with O. Barrera, S. Guriev and E. Zhuravskaya). Journal of Public Economics, 2020.
- "Research and the approval process: the organization of persuasion" (with M. Ottaviani). American Economic Review, 2019.
- "Dynamic effects of enforcement on cooperation" (with R. Galbiati and N. Jacquemet). Proceedings of National Academy of Science, 2018.
- “Keeping secrets: the economics of access deterrence” (with F. Ruiz-Alisdea), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2016.
- “Inefficiencies in technology transfer: theory and empirics” (with M.L. Allain and M. Kyle), Management Science, 2015.
- “Waiting to imitate: on the dynamic pricing of knowledge” (with C. Ponce), Journal of Political Economy, 2011.
- “Disclosure of research results: the cost of proving your honesty”, Economic Journal, 2009.
Research Areas
Microeconomics, Economics of Innovation, Political Economy
Latest Publications
- Programme Laboratoires d’Excellence : vers une restructuration radicale du réseau de collaborations
- Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics: Of Norms and Networks
- Local public goods and the geography of economic activity
- Three Essays in Political Economy
- When in Rome… on local norms and sentencing decisions
- Research and the Approval Process: the Organization of Persuasion
- Trois essais en économie politique
- Dynamic effects of enforcement on cooperation
- Voter Turnout and Fiscal Policy
- Keeping Secrets: the Economics of Access Deterrence
See all publications