Professor of Economics at UCL, IFS Research Fellow

Guy LAROQUE is an Associated & Affiliated Professor of Economics of the Department, which he joined in 2011. He is also part time professor (two days a week) at University College London and Research Fellow at the Institute of Fiscal Studies since 2006. His previous career mixed that of a high statistician civil servant at the French Institute of Statistics (INSEE, Institut national de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques) with an academic trajectory.
At INSEE, Guy LAROQUE has been in charge of issues dealing with the macroeconomy and economic studies, the building of the National Accounts, short run economic analysis. He has also produced research in economic theory, econometrics and applied work, with emphasis on inventories, labour markets, taxes and benefits. He was listed in the top five theoretical economists according to a publication score (in Econometrica, the Journal of Economic Theory and the Review of Economic Studies over the period 1975-1989).
He has been a professor at the Ecole Nationale de Statistique et d'Administration Economique (ENSAE) and has edited the Annales d'Economie et de Statistique. He has taught at Ecole Polytechnique part time between 1984 and 2004. He has visited for stays of length shorter than one year Harvard University, Princeton University, New York University and Stanford University.
Guy Laroque is a Fellow of the Econometric Society since 1979, member of Academia Europea since 1992, Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2004, Foreign Honorary Member of the American Economic Association since 2004, Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy since 2010.
Guy Laroque has received distinctions for his editorial work and research achievements: Assistant editor to the Review of Economic Studies (1976-1981), editor of Annale d'Economie et de Statistique (1987-1992) editor of Econometrica (1992-1996), President of the Econometric Society (2002).
In 2011, Guy Laroque was awarded a grant of the European Research Council on the theme "The Welfare State in a Complex World: Taxes and Benefits in a Diverse Society”.
featured publications
- "On the liquidity trap" (with J.M. Grandmont), Econometrica, volume 44, 1976, 129-135.
- "On Keynesian temporary equilibria" (with J.M. Grandmont), The Review of Economic Studies, volume 43, 1976, 53-67.
- "Existence d'un équilibre de concurrence imparfaite" (with J.J. Laffont), Econometrica, volume 44, 1976, 263-294.
- "Fair allocations in large economies" (with P. Champsaur), Journal of Economic Theory, volume 25, 2, octobre 1981, 269-282.
- "On the inventory cycle and the instability of the competitive mechanism", Econometrica, volume 57, 4, July 1989, 911-936.
- "Asset pricing and optimal portfolio choice in the presence of illiquid durable consumption goods" (with S.J. Grossman), Econometrica, volume 58, 1, January 1990, pp. 25-52.
- "On the Behaviour of Commodity Prices" (with A. Deaton), The Review of Economic Studies, volume 59(1), January 1992, 1-23.
- "Using Privileged Information to Manipulate Markets : Insiders, Gurus, and Credibility" (with R. Benabou), The Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1992, 107, 3, 921-958.
- "Income Maintenance and Labor Force Participation", Econometrica, 2005, 73(2), 341-376.
- "Separability and public finance" (with S. Gauthier), Journal of Public Economics, 2009, 93, 1168-1174.
Research Areas
Theory, Taxation Theory