Isabelle MEJEAN
ERC Project TRADENET, CEPR Research Fellow

Isabelle MEJEAN is Professor of Economics at the Department since 2021. She is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy and Research (CEPR). Among her editorial duties, she is the Managing Editor of Economic Policy as of October 2021 (and just completed a mandate as the Co-Editor of the European Economic Review). She is a member of the Conseil d’Analyse Économique since 2020 as well as Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Kiel Institute.
Isabelle MEJEAN’s research interests span international macroeconomics and international trade. She is particularly interested in the structure of firm-to-firm trade networks and its consequences for various aggregate outcomes. She publishes regularly in the top peer-reviewed international journals such as American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Urban Economics, and the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.
In 2016, she was awarded the AFSE-Malinvaud Prize for her paper “Firms, Destinations, and Aggregate Fluctuations” that appeared in Econometrica in 2014. She was awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2017 for her project Firm-to-Firm Trade Networks (TRADENET) which sets out to analyse the propagation of shocks through international trade which she shows are favoured and amplified by the microeconomic structure of trade networks with an end-effect on the dynamics and volatility of aggregate trade.
In 2020 Isabelle MEJEAN was awarded the Best Young Economist of France Award by the Cercle des Économistes-Le Monde. This award not only recognises academic excellence but also highlights the laureate’s unique ability to be in tune with the economic reality of the day and to seek solutions to the most acute problems of the day.
Read article in Le Monde (link in French)
Read interview with Isabelle MEJEAN (link in French)
Isabelle MEJEAN joins us from Polytechnique where she was a professor since 2007. She has also served as an economist at institutions with an international vocation : in 2009 and 2010 she worked at the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and from 2005 to 2007 she was at the CEPII, the French Centre for International Economic Studies.
She holds a PhD in Economics (’06), with the highest honours, from the University of Paris I.
To learn more about Isabelle MEJEAN, please consult her website
Research Areas
International Macroeconomics and Trade