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CPCE Faculty
- Nicolas Dross is an engineer (CentraleSupélec), a graduate of Sciences Po (SP 2001) and the College of Europe (2004). He has been an official at the European Commission since 2005 and currently works in DG Trade on trade defence policy. He has been teaching at the CPCE since 2006. He is the author of the book Préparer les concours européens (La Documentation Française) and Fiches de politiques économiques européennes (Ellipses).
- At the European Commission since 2014, Luis Planas Herrera has worked in the fields of strategy, economic analysis and budget. He is currently Policy Assistant to the Director General for Environment, working in the field of international relations, strategy and human resources.
- Laure Baillargeon graduated from Sciences Po in 2006. She has been an official at the European Commission since 2007 and has taught at the CPCE since 2008.
- Salvatore Scalzo holds a Master of Science in European Studies (specialising in law) from the Sapienza University of Rome, and a Master of Research "Analysing Europe" from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. Since 2013 he has been working at the European Commission. From 2013 to 2020, he was an administrator in the unit in charge of medical devices legislation in the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry and SMEs. Since 2020, he has been working on artificial intelligence issues within the Commission.
- Estelle Elizagoïen is a graduate of the Master in Public Policy of Sciences Po and of the Grande École programme of HEC Paris. She is currently working at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Environment, in the unit in charge of sustainable production and consumption models, on the implementation of the European Action Plan for a circular economy.
- Ninon Beillard holds a double Master's degree in Urban Policy from Sciences Po and the London School of Economics. She is currently working at the European Commission's Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), on the performance and evaluation of cohesion policy, as well as on the European Semester.
This team of permanent teachers is supplemented by different professionals invited as speakers for classroom sessions.
Workbook of preparation for the European competition, written by the CPCE teachers:
Title : Préparer les concours européens : Volume 1 - Les tests de présélection sur ordinateur (in French)
Authors : Nicolas DROSS, Laure GAILLOCHET, Martin POULIOT, Sandra SORNIN
Further information
- The Ultimate EU Test Book (En), Andràs Baneth
- Formation Administration Concours (FAC), La Documentation française
- Préparer les concours européens, volume 2 - Épreuves de sélection et démarches de recrutement, Nicolas Dross, Laure Gaillochet, Martin Pouliot, Sandra Sornin
- Préparer les concours européens, volume 1 - Les tests de présélection sur ordinateur, Nicolas Dross, Laure Gaillochet, Martin Pouliot, Sandra Sornin