Home>Academics>Dual degrees>Dual Master's Degree "Europe and Asia in Global Affairs" with Fudan University

Dual Master's Degree "Europe and Asia in Global Affairs" with Fudan University

The Dual degree Europe and Asia in Global Affairs is available to students interested to deepen their knowledge on European and Asian affairs, both in Comparative and International Relations perspectives.


In order to prepare for their second year at Fudan, during their studies at Sciences Po, students follow specific courses, such an Introduction to security issues in Europe and Asia or Chinese language course.

To complete the dual degree programme, students write and defend a master thesis during their year at Fudan.

More informations on the dual degree "Europe and Asia in Global Affairs"


Students intersted in this dual degree should apply directly via the admission website.

Contact us

For questions related to the School of Public Affairs curriculum, please contact the Academic Advisors in charge of the Master in European Affairs.