Home>Academics>Two-Year Master's Programmes>Master in Public Policy>Master's Thesis
Master in public policy: master's thesis
Students have the opportunity to write a Master’s thesis during their semester 4. This excludes any other S4 validation possibility (full-time internship, exchange program, personal project).
Objectives of the master's thesis
The main objective is to enable students to deepen their expertise or knowledge in a given field, which they hope to enhance professionally.
Conditions and organisation
The writing of the thesis is subject to the approval of the Academic advisor of your policy stream. It is therefore essential to inform him or her of your intention to write a thesis as soon as possible (at the beginning of the third semester at the latest). The Master's thesis option is not compatible with an apprenticeship.
Students need to find a thesis advisor, who must be a member of Sciences Po's permanent faculty or else an adjunct professor. They will meet regularly with their thesis advisor and keep him/her informed of the progress of their research. They certify to provide original research work and to respect all the rules regarding intellectual property at Sciences Po, failing which they will be in default.
Throughout the year, students receive pedagogical and methodological support from Bruno Palier, CNRS Director of research in Political Science at the CEE (Centre d’études européennes et de politique comparée).
- Methodological training on the research question and the research methodology of the master’s thesis (literature review, argumentation and structure)
- Research design on different methodological approaches (field work, data collection, interviews).
- 3-minute presentations of each research project in the presence of other students and advisors.
- Training session on the writing process (introduction, outline, demonstration and conclusion).
- Training session on the thesis defence.
- An information meeting on the thesis option is organised during September of the S3. By the end of October, students must write a thesis proposal specifying the main topics and arguments of their project and send it to the academic team of the Master's thesis.
- Pedagogical and methodological support is offered between November and April/May of the 2nd year of the Master's programme.
- The theses are submitted at the end of April and defense take place between mid and the end of May.
Examples of former students' theses
Here are some examples of some excellent work by students from the last years of the programme.
- Aénor Balan (Economics and Public Policy stream): “Analyse d’une politique volontariste de relocalisation de la production de paracétamol en France”
- Emma Bernard (Administration publique stream): “France Services : renouer avec la proximité des services publics”
- Letizia Bombardieri (Social Policy and Social Innovation stream): “Trade unions’ positions and roles for a just transition. The case of the automotive industry in France, Germany, and Italy”
- Ruggero Bongiorno (Economics and Public Policy stream) : “Bridging the Capital Market Gap between Europe and the United States of America”
- Paul Bugat (Administration publique stream): “Politiques d’intégration des étrangers primo-arrivants en France : le cas du Contrat d’intégration républicaine (CIR) - Une intégration par les valeurs, la langue et l’emploi”
- Thomas Desjuzeur (Administration publique stream): “Le Parlement face aux crises de l’après-guerre (1924-1928) : l’échec des commissions des finances”
- Baptiste Jouan (Energy, Environment and Sustainability stream): “Sortir du charbon : l’action publique entre fermeture et reconversion des centrales thermiques”
- Evangelia Kapeli (Politics and Public Policy stream) : “Who is Afraid of Viktor Orbán? Intergovernmental logics and the European Commission’s Rule of Law Policy”
- Bertille Kerouault (Economics and Public Policy stream): “Evaluating Urban Renewal Policies: The Impacts of the PNRU Program on the Distribution of Income within Deprived Neighborhoods in France”
- Camille Masquelier (Administration publique stream): “Gestion municipale et mesure de la performance - Managérialisation renforcée de la figure du maire ?"
- Alice Munoz--Guipouy (Energy, Environment and Sustainability stream) : “S’adapter au réchauffement climatique en France : une politique publique aux pieds d’argile”
- Déliana Renou (Santé stream): “Revenu minimum de solidarité et lutte contre la pauvreté - Les effets d’une augmentation du RSA sur les conditions de vie des allocataires en France”
- Wiktor Samek (Digital, New Technology and Public Policy stream): “Mapping Enforcement: The role of national and European regulatory agencies and their institutional environment in the process of enforcing the European Law. The GDPR case”
- Kiara Tegbe (Social Policy and Social Innovation stream): “Breaking Barriers - Exploring the Impact of Premiers Pas on Access to Formal Childcare Arrangements for Immigrants: A Mixed-Method Evaluation”
- Paul Vignat (Economics and Public Policy stream): “Ramage et plumage ? Dynamiques et cyclicité des subventions aux branches d’activité en France (1949-2023)"
- Alice Bergoënd (Social Policy and Social Innovation stream): “Leaving no-one behind in the energy transition: Lessons learned from the decarbonisation policy in social housing in the United Kingdom” (PDF, 533 Ko)
- Juliette Besnard (Administration publique stream) : “La démocratisation culturelle, une ambition inachevée ?” (PDF, 3.8 Mo)
- Ziyu Deng (Digital, New Technology and Public Policy stream): “Run, Hide, Fight: How Female Gamers Understand and React to Sexism and Misogyny in Gaming” (PDF, 4.11 Mo)
- Justine Détraz (Administration publique stream): “L’acceptabilité sociale des politiques publiques en France - Convergence entre exigence démocratique et pragmatisme de l’action publique” (PDF, 1 Mo)
- Jonas Froch (Economics and Public Policy stream) : “The Relocation Effect of a Major League Franchise on Residential Property Values - Quantifying the Intangible (Dis-) Benefits Generated by the Departure of the NFL’s Rams Franchise from St. Louis to Los Angeles” (PDF, 5.3 Mo)
- Baptiste Groc (Administration publique stream): “La Participation, un projet d’avenir - Le projet de Participation de Charles de Gaulle” (PDF, 1.2 Mo)
- Paul Guinard (Administration publique stream): “Le code de la laïcité : heurs et malheurs d’une codification” (PDF, 742 Ko)
- Grace Marshall (Politics and Public Policy stream): “Visible Minorities in the Canadian Mosaic? Investigating the Conflation of Race and Culture in Federal Employment Equity Policy” (PDF, 695 Ko)
- Maria Pinto (Cultural Policy and Management stream) : “Audiovisual policies in the streaming era: Regulatory challenges and cooperation strategies” (PDF, 598 Ko)
- Maëva Regnaud (Culture stream) : “État des lieux de la valorisation des artistes femmes dans les pratiques muséales françaises” (PDF, 2.6 Mo)
- Clara Ruthardt (Politics and Public Policy stream): “Marketizing Elections? An Analysis of Audience Segmentation and Targeted Messaging as Media Strategy in German Electoral Campaigning” (PDF, 4.5 Mo)
- Jules Saunier (Administration publique stream): “Du rôle de l’armée de terre dans la résilience socioéconomique et environnementale locale - L’exemple du 1er régiment de hussards parachutistes de Tarbes” (PDF, 1.3 Mo)
- Marianne Uguen (Administration publique stream): “Le recours aux algorithmes dans l’action publique” (PDF, 1.4 Mo)
- Camille Alix (Administration Publique policy stream): "Le parcours de sortie de la prostitution. Étude de cas de la mise en œuvre d’un dispositif public" (PDF, 1.37 Mo)
- Camille Campo (Administration Publique policy stream): "“Maritimiser” l’action publique : l’approche administrative du milieu maritime à l’épreuve de la politique publique de développement de l’éolien en mer" (PDF, 3.81 Mo)
- Thibault Cormier (Administration Publique policy stream): "Le numérique et l’accès aux services publics" (PDF, 755 Ko)
- Manon Fortemps (Economics and Public Policy stream): "The Country Policy and Institutional - Assessment and Official Development Assistance: A cross-country analysis" (PDF, 1.49 Mo)
- Guillaume Guinard (Digital, New Technology and Public Policy stream): Avatar capitalism - Policy implications of the metaverse as the future of platforms (PDF, 1.03 Mo)
- Cora Hopkins (Culture policy stream): "A “disaster beyond remedy”: on the intrusion of women artists in public art museums - A case study of the Fine Arts Museum of Rouen" (PDF, 4.84 Mo)
- Martyna Kalvaityte (Digital, New Technology and Public Policy stream): "Unregulated Negative Impacts of AI: Mixed Methods Analysis of Feedback Responses to the EU AI Act Proposal" (PDF, 688 Ko)
- Laura Ménager (Administration Publique policy stream): "Naitre fille ou garçon en banlieue : quels effets sur la scolarité ? Une étude qualitative de l’impact intersectionnel du genre et de la classe sociale sur les performances scolaires des élèves du secondaire" (PDF, 789 Ko)
- Lamia Mounavaraly (Economics and Public Policy stream): "Female labour market in French overseas: at the crossroad of social, territorial and gendered disparities - Analysing employment policies for the overseas through a gender lens" (PDF, 2.3 Mo)
- Nina Regenhardt (Economics and Public Policy stream): "Taxing the top: How much did, does, would it matter? The sensitivity of income inequality to changes in top income taxation in Europe" (PDF, 4.82 Mo)
- Francis Roye (Santé policy stream): "Le remboursement par l’Assurance maladie des matériaux utilisés en pratique dentaire" (PDF, 2.04 Mo)
- Mykolas Steponavicius (Economics and Public Policy stream): "External School Evaluation in Lithuania - Conceptual model and stakeholder perceptions" (PDF, 623 Ko)
- Eve Albergel (Management and Public Affairs policy stream): "Earth observation satellites: Monitoring greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement. A case study on scientific expertise and public policy" (PDF, 1.45Mo)
- Clément Bacchi (Administration Publique policy stream): "Contrôle des investissements chinois dans l’Union européenne - La fin de la naïveté, ou comment a émergé un mécanisme européen de filtrage des investissements directs étrangers" (PDF, 3.45 Mo)
- Jules Beley (Digital, New Technology and Public Policy stream): "Who wants interoperability? Compatibility and regulation in digital markets" (PDF, 1.05 Mo)
- Catarina Cerqueira (Social Policy and Social Innovation policy stream): "Inequalities Behind the Screen - A qualitative study of parental involvement during the period of school closures caused by COVID-19. The case of Portugal" (pdf, 690 Ko)
- Ariane Cornerier (Culture policy stream): "Le ré-ensauvagement en Europe comme nouvelle gestion conflictuelle de la nature. Le cas de la Réserve « Vercors Vie Sauvage » dans la Drôme" (PDF, 2.16 Mo)
- Yann David (Economics and Public Policy stream): "Can scientific evidence contribute to the improvement of environmental policies? A semantic analysis of three supranational institutions challenges and biases in the process of aggregating science to improve policies" (PDF, 2.11 Mo)
- Anne-Pauline de Cler (Economics and Public Policy stream): "The rise and fall of a gold standard. The case of Randomized Controlled Trials within the Experimentation for Youth Fund" (PDF, 637 Ko)
- Sophie de Rouilhan (Administration Publique policy stream): "How to favour argument diversity on online consultative platforms? An experiment on the effect of exposure to other participants’ arguments on the diversity of aspects tackled" (PDF, 2.48 Mo)
- Marie Guedra (Administration Publique policy stream): "Égalité ou différenciation territoriale : les enseignements de l’Histoire" (PDF, 1.41 Mo)
- Tobias Hillenbrand (Economics and Public Policy stream): "Benefits on-site or to take away: A panel data analysis on how infrastructures shape emigration" (PDF, 644 Ko)
- Floriane Labarussiat (Sécurité et défense policy stream): "L’incidence des évolutions tactiques de maintien de l’ordre sur le lien de confiance police - population : le cas des manifestations de Gilets Jaunes à Paris (2018-2020)" (PDF, 1.87 Ko)
- Alexandre Lejeune (Administration Publique policy stream) : "Quelles doivent être les limites du pouvoir discrétionnaire de l’INAO ? Relire l’affaire du château d’Arsac (1993-1998)" (PDF, 1 Mo)
- Omar Mansour (Economics and Public Policy stream): "The Minimum Wage Effect on Low Wage Workers. Employment, Life Satisfaction, and Populism Effects from the 2015 German Minimum Wage" (PDF, 713 Ko)
- Matthieu Rey (Administration Publique policy stream): "Annulation de la dette publique par l’Eurosystème : conséquences et enjeux de gouvernance" (PDF, 618 Ko)
- Max Schneider (Europe in the World policy stream): "The Negotiated Meaning of Brexit. Mapping the Process of a Unique Negotiation" (PDF, 620 Ko)
- Can Simsek (Digital, New Technology and Public Policy stream): "Algorithmic Transparency in the EU" (PDF, 709 Ko)
- Francesco Vogelezang (Digital, New Technology and Public Policy stream): "An electoral weapon by populists? Assessing Facebook use by populist parties and their electoral success in Europe" (PDF, 1.12 Mo)
- Léa Yahiel (Social Policy and Social Innovation policy stream): "Le quotient conjugal : l’impossible réforme ? Étude d’un dispositif au carrefour des politiques fiscale et familiale" (PDF, 1.92 Mo)
- Julien Abratis (Europe in the world policy stream) : "The role of EU Delegations in Public Diplomacy - Challenges and opportunities" (PDF, 771 Ko)
- Enzo Bonnaudet (Administration Publique policy stream) : "L’action extérieure des collectivités territoriales : une politique locale à part entière ? L’exemple de la coopération décentralisée franco-mexicaine" (PDF, 609 Ko)
- Ella Carmi (European regulation policy stream) : "Rethinking the Mundell Trilemma in emerging economies" (PDF, 847 Ko)
- Keridwen François-Merlet (dual degree Europe and Asia in Global Affairs, with Fudan University) : "Chinese investments in the EU: a comparative analysis of French and German leaders’ discourse (2012-2019)" (pdf, 909 Ko)
- Lena Habrant (Social Policy and Social Innovation policy stream) : "The differences in attendance of early childhood education and care centers (ECEC) by children with and without an immigration background in Germany: A qualitative investigation" (PDF, 976 Ko)
- Gloriana Lang Clachar (Digital, New Technology and Public Policy policy stream) : "Does it pay to have an internet connection? Evidence from self-employees and employers in Costa Rica" (PDF, 649 Ko)
- Edoardo Magalini (Economics and Public Policy policy stream) : "Pre-school attendance and the labour supply of women in Italy – Evidence from an Instrumental Variable approach" (PDF, 1,05 Mo)
- Vincent Malapert (Administration Publique policy stream) : "Décentralisation, déconcentration : le renouveau des compétences du préfet depuis les lois Defferre" (PDF, 797 Ko)
- Laure Manach (Administration Publique policy stream) : "L’évaluation des risques en tension : le cas des pesticides SDHI en France" (PDF, 763 Ko)
- Lena Pican (Social Policy and Social Innovation policy stream) : "Quel rôle pour les sensibilités dans l’histoire des politiques environnementales ? Le cas de la Bièvre : 1791-1835" (PDF, 1,46 Mo)
- Viola Scordia (Europe in the world policy stream) : "The cheapest fare for a costly voyage: a Perspective on the Deficiencies of the EU-Turkey Statement on Migration Management" (PDF, 1,01 Mo)
- Estela Souto (Digital, New Technology and Public Policy policy stream) : "Does gender affect legislative behaviour? Evidence from the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies" (PDF, 2,01 Mo)
- Florian Strehaiano (Administration Publique policy stream : "Le plan de redressement financier de 1958 : entre remise en ordre et inflexion libérale" (PDF, 583 Ko)
- Théo Thouret (Administration Publique policy stream) : "The contribution of compliance law to the prevention of opioid crisis in France" (PDF, 666 Ko)
- Luca Cigna (Social Policy and Social Innovation policy stream) : "Looking for a North Star? Trade Unions’ Positions in the Universal Basic Income Debate" (PDF, 1,98 Mo)
- Marie-Abelia Dumaine-Bouaziz (Administration Publique policy stream : "Les fonds souverains: instruments financiers ou acteurs politiques" (PDF, 1,17 Mo)
- Paul Gardin (Economics and Public Policy policy stream) : "Should Central Banks issue digital currencies? Consequences for the financial system, implications for monetary policy and concerns for privacy" (PDF, 2,06 Mo)
Testimonials and award
- Congratulations to Manon Fortemps, awarded by the French Evaluation Society for her thesis written at the School of Public Affairs
- Two students invited to present their Master's thesis at an international conference in Vienna
- "Writing a thesis allowed me to understand the impact of public policy on the issue of equality (Marisol Dextre Polo, Class of 2020)
- "Writing a thesis definitely solidified my interest in academic research" (Anne-Pauline de Cler, Class of 2020)
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact the person in charge of your policy stream, or the team dedicated to the thesis:
- Academic Advisor for the theses: Claudia Castiglioni
- Academic Assistant for the theses: Christine Hahusseau
Key facts
- Two-year Master's
- Langues: English and French
- ECTS: 120 minimum