Home>Academics>Two-Year Master's Programmes>The 11 Policy Streams of the Masters
The 11 Policy Streams of the Masters
Information Sessions: Masters

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Within their Master's degree (Master in European Affairs or Master in Public Policy), students choose a policy stream. The policy streams cover all fields of public policy and include compulsory courses in which students develop their thematic expertise in various disciplines (law, economics, sociology, political science, management, etc.). These courses also allow students to acquire analytical and understanding tools as well as professional skills.
Policy Streams offered only in French:
Policy Streams offered only in English and French:
- Cultural Policy and Management (in English) or Culture (in French)
- Global Health (in English) or Santé (in French)
Policy Streams offered only in English:
- Digital, New Technology and Public Policy
- Economics and Public Policy
- Energy, Environment and Sustainability
- Management and Public Affairs - Not available from 2023/2024
- Politics and Public Policy
- Social Policy and Social Innovation
- Europe in the World (only for the Master in European Affairs)