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Master, Policy Stream: Management and Public Affairs
Information Sessions: Masters

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Please note
Please note that it is no longer possible to enroll in the Management and Public Affairs policy stream, since the last class of this program has started in 2022.
General objective of the management and public affairs policy stream
This policy stream aims to equip students with the skills needed for understanding how to manage today’s transformation in public affairs. It focuses on providing future managers, who will work in both the private and public sectors, with the tools to respond to ongoing and future challenges faced by governments, companies and civil society organizations, in areas including change management, digital transformation, sustainability and communication.
Students will receive training in areas like public decision making, public private partnerships, sustainability practices, public budgeting, and have the possibility to select electives dedicated to negotiation, crisis communication, management of information, regulation, digital democracy, and lobbying, among others.
Specific courses of the management and public affairs policy stream
- Managing Future Work Challenges and Design Thinking
- Organizational Change and Public Decision Making
- Sustainable Strategies and Practices
- Public Policy Organization and Management
- Global Economic Governance and International Taxation
- Public Procurement
Course Programme of the management and public affairs policy stream
Master in Public Policy - Management and Public Affairs policy stream:
Master in European Affairs - Management and Public Affairs policy stream:
Career opportunities after the management and public affairs policy stream
Typically, graduates from this policy stream pursue careers in public management or public sector consulting. Students can have careers in local, national or international administrations, in public affairs departments of private firms, in intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations or in transnational firms and, in consultancy companies and public-private sector partnerships.
Scientific Advisor of the management and public affairs policy stream

Henri Bergeron, PhD in sociology, Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR), is a CNRS Research Fellow at the Center for Sociology of Organizations, Sciences Po, co-director of the Health Department of Interdisciplinary Centre for the Evaluation of Public Policies (Centre of Excellence - LABEX), and Scientific coordinator of the Chair in Health Studies - Sciences Po.
He is also the director of the Master on « Organizational behavior and Human Resources » at Sciences Po and of the Executive Master “Management of public policies” and the Scientific Director of the “Management and Public Policy” track at Sciences Po’s School of Public Affairs. He conducts research on public health and healthcare policy and changes in medical practice through the study of various subjects: illegal drugs, alcohol, obesity, cancer… He uses methods from the fields of sociology of public action and sociology of organizations to evaluate forces at work in the creation and changes in different policy fields.
- Academic advisor: Ongoing recruitment
- Academic assistant: Robin Picand