Home>2021 National administrative competitions: Congratulations to our successful students!


2021 National administrative competitions: Congratulations to our successful students!

Article originally published on www.sciencespo.fr by the Sciences Po editorial team.

The latest results have just been published: with laureates representing all the national administrative competitions, Sciences Po's PrépaConcours is delighted to have obtained an impressive list of laureates for the year 2021. Mathias Vicherat, the Director of Sciences Po, and the team of the School of Public Affairs (EAP), were keen to meet and personally congratulate the laureates and thank their teachers. 


In the external and ‘Talents’ competitions of the Institut national du service public (INSP, The National Institute of Public Service), formerly ENA (National School of Administration), 35 Sciences Po students were among the 46 admitted, i.e. 76% of the successful candidates. The diversity of the profiles reflects our commitment: the laureates come from The Sciences Po Undergraduate College, others joined Sciences Po in the master's degree, and five joined the PrépaConcours after completing their university education in France. 43% of those admitted to the INSP are women and 31% are on higher education scholarships. 

This commitment by Sciences Po to diversify the profiles of its students has been reinforced this year with the opening of a Talent Prep programme through which three students have already passed the competitive entrance exams. In addition, some of the students admitted to the exams graduated from secondary schools that were in priority education areas (CEP). 

  • National Institute of Territorial Studies (INET): 73% of those admitted to the external territorial administrator competition. 
  • Administrator of the National Assembly: 64% of those admitted.
  • Administrator of Maritime Affairs: 67% of those admitted.
  • School of Higher Studies in Public Health (EHESP) - Hospital Director: 30% of those admitted 
  • Banque de France - Executive: 40% of those admitted.


On December 14, 2021, the new director of Sciences Po, Mathias Vicherat, congratulated the laureates.

"We are proud of you, your personal success has become a collective success".

A graduate of the Léopold-Sédar-Senghor class of ENA (2004), he invited the students present to not be afraid of taking risks: "Serving the State makes even more sense in these troubled times, it is an important moment for public action, so do what you love, go for what makes sense for you. Today, even more so than yesterday, careers are all the richer when they are not straight.”


The preparation for the French national administrative competitions allows students to follow a one-year training course to take the entrance competitions for the senior civil service (INSP, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Banque de France, Maritime Affairs, INET, EHESP...).

The educational offer combines teaching, training and personalised support. It is now the leader in France in the field of civil service entry. The School of Public Affairs' PrépaConcours welcomes Sciences Po students (second year master’s students or graduates) but also students from various educational backgrounds who are recognised for the quality of their academic careers from institutes of political studies, ecoles normales supérieures, universities, business and engineering schools, etc.

Since the beginning of the school year in September 2021, the School of Public Affairs' PrépaConcours has also housed the ‘Talents’ preparatory classes, in partnership with the universities of Sorbonne Paris Nord, Poitiers and Reims Champagne-Ardenne.

"We are very happy to be able to allow even more students from different geographical, social and academic backgrounds to prepare and pass these very demanding competitive exams. The team at Sciences Po's School of Public Affairs is proud to be able to support them in their goal of joining the senior civil service," said Anne-Solenne de Roux, Executive Director of the School.

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