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Média Positif is a new media initiative created by Sciences Po students. Co-founders Emma Rouvet and Hugues de Rosny spoke to us about the initiative. The project aims to present the news in a more positive light.
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Grace Moore is the 11th recipient of the Michel David-Weill Scholarship at Sciences Po. The award covers tuition, housing, textbooks and other costs. Moore is studying engineering at the School of Public Affairs in Paris. She has championed a project that toes the line between science and policy.
From the Master in Public Policy, Energy, Environment and Sustainability stream, apprenticeship programme, to the Corps of Engineers of Bridges, Water and Forests
Students met Oumsane Doumbouya, a 29 years old artist who fled from Guinea to France. He was chased by the police because of a documentary he was producing on living conditions in prisons. He is now a social worker, comedian, rapper and poet.
Digital constitutionalism is a field of research that seeks to articulate a set of political rights, governance norms andlimits to the exercise of power on the Internet. All researchers holding a PhD and belonging to the Sciences Po community who want to present their research on the theme of digital constitutionalism are invited to submit an abstract for a paper.
Until 2021, only Sciences Po and LSE students enrolled in the first year of the Master's programme could apply. The admission procedure is now open to all candidates, including external candidates.
The course will take place in the 2022 fall semester, open to Master's students. The format will be a 24-hour course, taught in English, with 2-hour classes over a period of 12 weeks. The syllabus should include both scientific research and secondary resources.
From the Master in Public Policy, Energy, Environment and Sustainability stream, to Advisor to the Managing Director of the IFC, part of the World Bank Group
The Public Policy Incubator is open to external partners from the public, private or voluntary sectors who wish to propose common good issues to students. All contributions have to be submitted by the 24th October. The programme will start in January 2022.
From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, to Advisor to the Chairman of Publicis Media
From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, to Foreign Affairs Adviser at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
From the Master in Public Policy, dual degree at Sciences Po and HEC, to Associate Consultant at Nordmann
From the dual Master in European Affairs with the London School of Economics, to consultant at YCE partners
From the Master in Public Policy to consultant at YCE
From the Master in Public Policy to Public Affairs Manager at Ulterïa
From the Master in Public Policy, Culture stream, dual degree with the École du Louvre, apprenticeship programme, to Director of Museums for the town of Villefranche-sur-Mer
From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, to consultant at YCE Partners
From the Master in Public Policy, Cultural Policy and Management stream, to the position of Secretary of Foreign Affairs at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, to magistrate at the Paris Administrative Court
154 students from Sciences Po's School of Public Affairs participated in the third edition of the Public Policy Incubator. The students presented the solutions they had devised to respond to the 30 public interest challenges proposed by the Incubators partners.
Sciences Po, the Universities of Reims and Poitiers, and the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord are opening three "Talent for Public Service" preparatory classes. The three classes have been approved by the Ministry of the Civil Service and Public Transformation. The classes will open in Paris and Reims in September 2021, and in Poitier in September 2022.
The School of Public Affairs has launched a discussion on the jobs of tomorrow, the skills that our graduates will need to master and the innovations in the recruitment process. 14 major public and private organisations will bring their valuable contributions to the discussion.
Discover what makes Sciences Po the best choice for your future by attending our Virtual Open House Day event on 19 November 2022. You’ll have the opportunity to meet international students who had just like you thought about Sciences Po a few years ago.