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Latest news from the School of Public Affairs

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Lucile Collin, class of 2019

From the Master in European Affairs, Markets and Regulation stream, to the position of Communications Officer in the European Commission's Finance Department

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Lucile Collin, class of 2019

From the Master in European Affairs, Markets and Regulation stream, to the position of Communications Officer in the European Commission's Finance Department

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Pierre Benassaya, class of 2019

From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, apprenticeship programme, to the Presidency of the NGO Graines Populaires

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Pierre Benassaya, class of 2019

From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, apprenticeship programme, to the Presidency of the NGO Graines Populaires

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Alexandre Fongaro, class of 2017

From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, apprenticeship programme, to Institutional Affairs Manager at the Kering Group

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Alexandre Fongaro, class of 2017

From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, apprenticeship programme, to Institutional Affairs Manager at the Kering Group

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Niklas Luksch, class of 2018

From the Master in Public Policy, dual degree with Fudan University, to Development Manager at the International Organisation for Migration

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Niklas Luksch, class of 2018

From the Master in Public Policy, dual degree with Fudan University, to Development Manager at the International Organisation for Migration

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An article by EAP students published in the Lancet!

The students of Sciences Po’s public policy of global health masters are already looking ahead. The global pandemic has had a huge impact on their lives and their studies. Drawing on lessons from the pandemic, both its environmental causes and its consequences on mental health, they advocate for a global perspective of health policies.

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An article by EAP students published in the Lancet!

The students of Sciences Po’s public policy of global health masters are already looking ahead. The global pandemic has had a huge impact on their lives and their studies. Drawing on lessons from the pandemic, both its environmental causes and its consequences on mental health, they advocate for a global perspective of health policies.

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Sciences Po students win the GPPN Conference as Best Project

Five students from the School of Public Affairs tied for Best Project at the 2021 GPPN Virtual Conference. The School is very proud and happy to share an interview of the students, looking back at this fabulous journey.

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Sciences Po students win the GPPN Conference as Best Project

Five students from the School of Public Affairs tied for Best Project at the 2021 GPPN Virtual Conference. The School is very proud and happy to share an interview of the students, looking back at this fabulous journey.

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Professional support at the School of Public Affairs, a unique and exceptional programme

The School of Public Affairs has created a network of career advisors at Sciences Po. Career advisors are chosen within a pool of experienced professionals from the public and private sectors. The School has launched a conversation with employers on tomorrow’s workforce.

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Professional support at the School of Public Affairs, a unique and exceptional programme

The School of Public Affairs has created a network of career advisors at Sciences Po. Career advisors are chosen within a pool of experienced professionals from the public and private sectors. The School has launched a conversation with employers on tomorrow’s workforce.

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What does COVID-19 do to society?

A year on from the COVID-19 Crisis, the students of the School of Public Affairs reflect on the effect of the crisis on French society. The policyseminar was moderated by students from the Politics & Public Policy stream who share their key takeaways.

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What does COVID-19 do to society?

A year on from the COVID-19 Crisis, the students of the School of Public Affairs reflect on the effect of the crisis on French society. The policyseminar was moderated by students from the Politics & Public Policy stream who share their key takeaways.

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What is the SDG Certificate?

The SDG Certificate was developed as a joint program by 5 of the 7 universities of the prestigious Global Public Policy Network. Students work on a topic of their choice, benefit from the experience of experts, develop entrepreneurial skills, all while working in collaboration with other students from around the world.

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What is the SDG Certificate?

The SDG Certificate was developed as a joint program by 5 of the 7 universities of the prestigious Global Public Policy Network. Students work on a topic of their choice, benefit from the experience of experts, develop entrepreneurial skills, all while working in collaboration with other students from around the world.

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The apprenticeship option at the School of Public Affairs

The possibility of doing an apprenticeship has been offered at the School of Public Affairs since 2016. Students are recruited as trainees in both private and public organizations. The experience acquired enables students to have a deep understanding of how the administration system works.

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The apprenticeship option at the School of Public Affairs

The possibility of doing an apprenticeship has been offered at the School of Public Affairs since 2016. Students are recruited as trainees in both private and public organizations. The experience acquired enables students to have a deep understanding of how the administration system works.

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Great year for the School of Public Affairs' Competitive Exam Preparation!

Sciences Po’s Competitive exam preparation (PrépaConcours_ ) gets a remarkable track record for the year 2020. Out of the 40 admitted students, 23 came from Sciences Po, i.e. 60% of the laureates.

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Great year for the School of Public Affairs' Competitive Exam Preparation!

Sciences Po’s Competitive exam preparation (PrépaConcours_ ) gets a remarkable track record for the year 2020. Out of the 40 admitted students, 23 came from Sciences Po, i.e. 60% of the laureates.

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Promoting professional equality within the Banque de France

Clémentine Buisson is in her second year of the Master in Public Policy in France. She alternates between her courses at the School of Public Affairs and managing communication for the gender diversity network of the Banque de France.

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Promoting professional equality within the Banque de France

Clémentine Buisson is in her second year of the Master in Public Policy in France. She alternates between her courses at the School of Public Affairs and managing communication for the gender diversity network of the Banque de France.

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Tony Brando, Class of 2019

From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, apprenticeship programme, to technical adviser and parliamentary assistant

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Tony Brando, Class of 2019

From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, apprenticeship programme, to technical adviser and parliamentary assistant

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International Organisation Career Fair (online)

On February 15, 17 & 19, 2021, Sciences Po will gather over 25 IOs for the International Organisation Career Fair. Students will learn more about their missions and openings, their recruitment processes and internship programmes.

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International Organisation Career Fair (online)

On February 15, 17 & 19, 2021, Sciences Po will gather over 25 IOs for the International Organisation Career Fair. Students will learn more about their missions and openings, their recruitment processes and internship programmes.

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Exploring the “French-German motor” at Sciences Po and Freie Universität Berlin

Students of the dual master’s degree between Sciences Po and Freie Universität Berlin discussed current dynamics in French-German relations. The joint seminar was held on January 21-22, 2021 under the title “The French- German Motor and Europe’.

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Exploring the “French-German motor” at Sciences Po and Freie Universität Berlin

Students of the dual master’s degree between Sciences Po and Freie Universität Berlin discussed current dynamics in French-German relations. The joint seminar was held on January 21-22, 2021 under the title “The French- German Motor and Europe’.

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Looking back at the 2021 SDG Certificate Leadership seminar 2/2

This year's SDG cohort began their program with the SDG Leadership Seminar, which took place from 19-22 January 2021. Student teams joined from all over the world, coming from the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, Columbia SIPA, GraSPP University of Tokyo, and the LKY School National University of Singapore. Throughout the week, they participated in theSDG Innovation Lab and met with experts.

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Looking back at the 2021 SDG Certificate Leadership seminar 2/2

This year's SDG cohort began their program with the SDG Leadership Seminar, which took place from 19-22 January 2021. Student teams joined from all over the world, coming from the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, Columbia SIPA, GraSPP University of Tokyo, and the LKY School National University of Singapore. Throughout the week, they participated in theSDG Innovation Lab and met with experts.

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Looking back at the 2021 SDG Certificate Leadership seminar 1/2

This year's SDG cohort began their program with the SDG Leadership Seminar, which took place from 19-22 January 2021. Student teams joined from all over the world, coming from the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, Columbia SIPA, GraSPP University of Tokyo, and the LKY School National University of Singapore.

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Looking back at the 2021 SDG Certificate Leadership seminar 1/2

This year's SDG cohort began their program with the SDG Leadership Seminar, which took place from 19-22 January 2021. Student teams joined from all over the world, coming from the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, Columbia SIPA, GraSPP University of Tokyo, and the LKY School National University of Singapore.

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Thinking of applying to the School of Public Affairs?

Four students from the School of Public Affairs presented the school programmes during a live interview. Watch the Q&A session on 13 January 2021 with Campus Channel (in English)

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Thinking of applying to the School of Public Affairs?

Four students from the School of Public Affairs presented the school programmes during a live interview. Watch the Q&A session on 13 January 2021 with Campus Channel (in English)

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Marie Gervier, Class of 2019

From the Master in Public Policy, Cultural Policy and Management stream, to Communication and Event Manager for the United Nations Office in Geneva

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Marie Gervier, Class of 2019

From the Master in Public Policy, Cultural Policy and Management stream, to Communication and Event Manager for the United Nations Office in Geneva

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