Home>Great year for the School of Public Affairs' Competitive Exam Preparation!


Great year for the School of Public Affairs' Competitive Exam Preparation!

The latest results have just come in: with laureates in all the administrative competitive exams and 60% of ENA admissions (École Nationale d'Administration), Sciences Po’s Competitive exam preparation (PrépaConcours) gets a remarkable track record for the year 2020.


Admission results for the external entrance exam to the École Nationale d'Administration (ENA) were published at the end of 2020: out of the 40 admitted students, 23 came from Sciences Po, i.e. 60% of the laureates. These results are the culmination of quite a satisfying year for the Sciences Po Competitive exam preparation. Over the past twelve months, Sciences Po students have passed competitive exams in all areas of the senior civil service: 

  • Hospital Director: 29% of those admitted
  • Senior Manager at the Banque de France: 56% of those admitted
  • Senate Administrator: 50% of those admitted
  • Adviser to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs: 100% of those admitted
  • Territorial Administrator: 45% of those admitted to INET - National Institute of Territorial Studies (Institut national des études territoriales)
  • Social Protection Executive: 17% of the admissions to EN3S - National School of Social Security (École nationale supérieure de la sécurité sociale

According to Yann Algan, Dean of the School of Public Affairs, "the laureates of the 2020 edition of the competitive exams deserve to be congratulated twice: first, because they have passed particularly demanding exams, second, because they have managed to keep their motivation and degree of involvement intact in a very difficult sanitary crisis context, to which they have been able to constantly adapt. We are very happy and very proud of them". The Dean does not forget those who did not succeed in this year's competitions: "whether they have decided to follow other paths or to try their luck again, they deserve all our admiration and congratulations". Lastly, he acknowledges the commitment of the teachers, who were also able to adapt their teaching to a new situation: "We express our deep gratitude to them: these great results are also theirs".


Since the start of the 2018 academic year, the Competitive exam preparation department has been providing courses adapted to prepare for fifteen different administrative competitive exams and has been issuing an Advanced Certificate of Preparation for Senior Civil Service Professions: 164 students obtained this certificate in 2020. This teaching has now become a benchmark in France to join the senior civil service.

The School of Public Affairs Competitive exam preparation welcomes Sciences Po graduates as well as Master 2 students and candidates with excellent academic backgrounds from other institutions: Instituts d'Etudes politiques, Écoles normales supérieures, universities, as well as business and engineering schools.  

Article initially published by the Sciences Po editorial team


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