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What is the SDG Certificate?

Created in 2017, the SDG Certificate is an international program offering an innovative training allowing students to understand the framework and objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to contribute to their implementation. Students who complete the program receive a professional certificate.

The SDG Certificate was developed as a joint program by 5 of the 7 universities of the prestigious Global Public Policy Network (GPPN). It is one of the flagship programs of the GPPN network, alongside its annual conference and its dual degree partnerships.

Participating universities :

  • Sciences Po, School of Public Affairs (Paris)
  • Columbia SIPA (New York)
  • Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo (Tokyo)
  • Hertie School (Berlin)
  • LKY School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore (Singapore)

Who can apply to the SDG Certificate?

At Sciences Po, the certificate is open to any 1st year Master's student at the School of Public Affairs who is able to complete the program in English. Each year, 2 groups of students are selected by the School of Public Affairs to participate in the program. Other participating universities also select 2 groups of students from their cohorts.

What will you learn?

In the context of the UN 2030 Agenda, specialized knowledge and practical experience on how to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals is in high demand by government agencies, international organizations, private companies and nonprofit associations at all levels. The SDG Certificate responds to this need: students work on a topic of their choice (corresponding to set criteria), benefit from the experience of experts, develop entrepreneurial skills, all while working in collaboration with other students from around the world.

What are the program dates?

Students are selected during October-November of their first year of the Master. The required modules and seminars then take place during their spring semester:

  • January: Leadership Seminar, gathering students from the 5 universities during 4 days, organized by the School of Public Affairs
  • January to May: 4 hours workshops and courses per week ( dedicated to the School of Public Affairs students) + 4 monthly seminars organized by the partner universities (bringing together students from all universities)
  • May: final projects and presentations

The curriculum is organized to be compatible with the academic requirements of first year Master students. 

The next cohort will be selected in October 2021. 


Below are the testimonials of the two groups of EAP students selected for the 2020/2021 academic year, following their participation in the January 2021 Leadership Seminar:



Virtual Graduate Open House day, October 2024

Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.


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