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Master in Economic Law

Section #pedagogie

The Master in Economic Law is a two-year program. The application procedure is exactly the same as for other Master programs at Sciences Po, with the identical tuition fees, deadline and scholarships.

Teaching method

Courses in the master in Economic Law are designed in a gradual fashion, so that students, even without any specific legal knowledge prior to admission, can become familiar with the required techniques. Thus, first semester classes will essentially cover core concepts, while later semesters will gradually evolve towards specialized and practical bodies of law.

To implement this incremental approach, first year courses are taught by academics, while second year courses are mostly taught by professionals.

The Sciences Po Law School curriculum provides students with a firm handle of fundamental concepts of law, a deep comprehension of their theoretical underpinnings, and a clear understanding of their practical implications. Therefore, courses mainly rely on a teaching method that gives priority to debates between professors and students. This itself requires that classes be prepared by each student in advance, based on distributed handouts.  This way, students acquire a global understanding of Law, along with experience in exposing and discussing various points of view. Emphasis is also laid on readings, analysis of decisions, research on concrete cases (past or current), contracts elaboration, etc.

Section #sommaire

Organization of courses

The master in Economic Law is a very intensive formation. Curriculum is structured in the following way:

During the first year fundamentals of law and economic law are taught to acquire or reinforce an indispensable legal culture.



Students may take a gap year and become interns in law firms, companies or public services, considering that practical experience is absolutely necessary in law studies.

In the final year, students have to choose their specialization among the six that have been created. Each of them is specific, oriented towards different technical profiles, for distinct professional aspirations and different ways of practicing law.

Second year specializations 


Extra-curricular activities


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