Home>d'Aspremont, Jean
d'Aspremont, Jean
Professor, Researcher

Jean d’Aspremont is Professor of International Legal Theory and Legal Philosophy at Sciences Po School of Law. He also is Professor at the University of Manchester and at the Graduate Institute (IHEID) in Geneva. He is General Editor of the Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law and Director of Oxford International Organizations (OXIO). He is series editor of the Melland Schill Studies in International Law. He has published more than two dozens of books and 200 articles on questions of international law, legal theory, and the philosophy of law. His work has been translated in several languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Japanese and Persian.
Before joining Sciences Po Law School, he was Professor of International Legal Theory at the University of Amsterdam. He used to be Editor-in-Chief of the Leiden Journal of International Law. He received his LL.M. from the University of Cambridge and his Ph.D. from the University of Louvain. He was a Global Research Fellow at New York University. He acted as counsel in proceedings before the International Court of Justice.
Fields of Expertise:
- Public International Law
- International Legal Theory
- The Law of International Organizations
- International Dispute Settlement
Publications: Jean d’Aspremont's publications
Contact: jean.daspremont@sciencespo.fr