Home>Dharia, Rashmi
Dharia, Rashmi
PhD Candidate, Researcher

Rashmi Dharia is a PhD candidate at Sciences Po Law School, where she studies narrative theory applications in public international law under the supervision of Prof. Jean d’Aspremont.
Her research draws analytical tools from critical narratology to study the narrative composition of ‘folkloric’ international legal scholarship. Her project examines the tropes and plot devices used to narrativize international law in a way that enables the discipline to subsume and control critical voices.
Rashmi has a BSL.LLB from ILS Law College, Pune (India) and an LLM cum laude in Public International Law from Leiden University (Netherlands). Her master’s thesis ‘A Timid Similarity: Metaphors in the Sources Doctrine of International Law’ was nominated for the Faculty Thesis Prize 2017-18. Prior to joining Sciences Po Law School, she worked at the International Criminal Court as part of the defence team in the Situation in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire.
Contact: rashmi.dharia@sciencespo.fr