Home>Sciences Po Law School is recruiting a post-doctoral researcher in theory of law and the digital environment

Sciences Po Law School is recruiting a post-doctoral researcher in theory of law and the digital environment
The Sciences Po Law School is looking for a post-doctoral researcher in theory of law and the digital environment as part of the New Digital Rule of Law project funded by the McCourt Institute.
The Sciences Po Law School is looking for a Clinical and research post-Doctoral position in the field of law and the digital environment as part of the New Digital Rule of Law project, funded by the McCourt Institute. The researcher will be hosted by the Sciences Po Law School for one year, renewable once. He/she will be expected to carry out an applied research project within the law School’s New Digital Rule of Law project, and to design, develop, coordinate and teach a clinical course on these topics within the Sciences Po Law School Clinic, an interdisciplinary experiential learning program hosted by the Law School.
As part of their engagement with the Clinic, the researcher will be integrated in the pedagogical team of the Clinic. As such, he/she will be in charge of teaching and coordinating the clinical program, liaising with students, tutors and partners, as well as with the Clinic’s Executive and Scientific Directors.
As part of his/her research tasks, the researcher will develop research on the legal governance/regulation of the Internet and the digital environment. The New Digital Rule of Law project, to which the researcher will contribute, aims at investigating the necessary role and form of law and regulation in the current form and trajectory of the internet and the digital information economy. We are specifically interested in projects related to the value of constitutional law concepts for a digital rule of law, how to govern AI to make it compatible with democracy, the regulatory challenges and opportunities in Web 3.0 and digital infrastructures and concerns around data inequality.
The research contribution of the postdoctoral researcher will relate to one of these themes. He/she will develop his/her own research project, so far as this is connected to the topic of the overall New Digital Rule of Law project.
In addition, the researcher will be in charge of organising (or helping to organise) research events, such as monthly seminars or a conference, and developing the communication of the project.
Experiences and skills required
The researcher will have a PhD in Law, preferably focusing on digital legal issues and/or theory of law. He/she will be expected to have an excellent knowledge of the scholarship of cyberspace law and to be fluent in English, both in speech and writing. French language would be a plus, as well as any experience in the research topics related to the research project he/she will join (as mentioned above).
Work environment
The successful candidate will be a member of the Law School’s wider research community, and as such will participate in its seminars, events and diverse research activities.
The position is open from October 2022 for a renewable period of 12 months.
The proposed salary is around 3000 € / month (before tax) and may vary slightly depending on experience. Sciences Po is an Equal Opportunity employer and academic institution.
To apply
Please send to severine.dusollier@sciencespo.fr by the 15th September 2022:
- a CV
- a cover letter detailing your experience and skills relevant to the position
- your insight on the theme: a new Digital rule of law (max. 3 pages)
- the research project you would like to develop in that frame (max. 3 pages)
- 1 or 2 recently published scientific papers
Online interviews will be organised with candidates at the end of September 2022.