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Master's Programmes
The Masters is designed for students who would like to acquire solid training in both core knowledge and methodology, allowing them to conduct research and quantitative and qualitative studies, to analyse and communicate the results, and to work on a team.
Masters graduates may take up posts of responsibility in a wide range of organisations (consulting and advisory firms, associations, public administration, local authorities, governmental and non-governmental international organisations, social organisations, professional sectors, etc.).
Our Programmes
5 Master's Programmes:
- Master in Economics
- Master in History
- Master in Political Science
- Master in Sociology
- Master in Law (Offered and coordinated by Sciences Po Law School)
3 dual degree programmes are offered: in history with the École du Louvre (FR) and King's College London, and in economics with Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (Dual degree in Economics and Quantitative Economics).
Programme Structure
The Masters programmes offer unique study paths in social sciences combining taught courses and research.
The taught element is composed of core modules, specialised courses, and methodology workshops. The first three semesters are focused on acquiring core and specialised knowledge. The final semester is dedicated to writing a research dissertation (FR).
Inter-semester courses and seminars are offered outside the periods during which compulsory courses generally take place. Find out more about inter semestre courses.