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PHD Tuition Fees & Funding

Section #tuition-fees

Tuition fees

For all students admitted to the PhD programme at the “Thesis” level, the annual fee for the 2024/2025 academic year is 391 €, irrespective of tax residency.

For additional information on administrative registration, please visit the "Administrative registration" page.

See the "Exceptional Arrangements" page

Section #funding

Funding from Sciences Po

In order to make Sciences Po accessible to all and promote academic success, Sciences Po has significantly improved its student support services.

These services are determined in conjunction with teacher and student representatives elected to the Joint Committee and the Board of Directors.  A report is presented to these bodies each year.  A monitoring group of teachers, students, and experts regularly meets to evaluate the support services and to propose new ideas.

The doctoral contract is a 3-year employment contract allowing PhD students to conduct their research work in the best conditions.

The monthly gross income is of 2100€ from 1 January 2024 for research activities only, excluding any additional missions.

The admission to the doctoral contract is obtained essentially on the basis of academic excellence criteria.

It is at the time of your admission that you will be able to apply for a doctoral contract. You will then be asked, in the online application form, to validate questions about the funding.

See the page " PhD Study abroad "

The Doctoral Research Funding Scheme is replacing the doctoral mobility scheme.

To help you conduct your research, the Doctoral School, with your research unit, have put in place a Doctoral Research Funding Scheme end of January 2020. It is aimed at financing expenses related to Doctoral research beyond mobility expenses.

The Doctoral Research Funding Scheme is structured with a compornent of a quasi-lump-sum funding for doctoral students in their first four years of research and an exceptional funding scheme. The exceptional funding is provided on the basis of a yearly call for proposal. All Doctoral students (including those benefiting from quasi-lump-sum funding) may apply for exceptional funding, regardless of the year of their enrolment in the Doctoral programme. The call is issued by the Doctoral school each year end of January, the Doctoral Students have a month to send their requests and the Exectutive Board of the Doctoral school evaluates and allocates the fundings during its March meeting of the same year.

For all your questions related to the Doctoral Research Funding Scheme kindly email ed.direction@sciencespo.fr.

The Graduate school and the Centre des Amériques de Sciences Po offer a series of American PhD scholarships.

Created in 2002, Alliance is an innovative academic joint-venture between Columbia University and three major French institutions: the École Polytechnique, Sciences Po, and Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

The aim of the venture is to pursue innovation in Education and Research between the four institutions by sharing knowledge, practices and resources. A laboratory for innovation, Alliance has become furthermore a major academic platform for transatlantic debate on global issues.

The Alliance Call for Doctoral Mobility is intended to support and finance transatlantic research projects of the highest quality, in all disciplines, from doctoral students affiliated to one of the four partner institutions.

Voir la page "Alliance Call for Doctoral Mobility" (EN)

Consortium Mobility scheme for PhD students between Columbia University, New York London School of Economics,  Political Science National University of Singapore and Sciences Po, Paris

Columbia University, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the National University of Singapore (NUS), and Sciences Po agree in this document to provide both financial and administrative support to enable the mobility of doctoral students across the four institutions.

Section #prizes-calls

Prizes and calls for proposals (Current calls)

The Graduate school also tracks outside sources of funding for PhD students. These most often take the form of support for travel or financial support for publication.  

See the "Prizes and calls for proposals" page