Home>Academics>Master's Programmes>Master in Political Science>Master in Political Science, Major in Political Theory
Master in Political Science, Major in Political Theory
Live broadcast on Youtube

Masters of the School of Research (English broadcast) - 11 March at 2:30pm (Paris time)
The Dean and students of the School of Research present the masters programme. Also ask all your questions live on Youtube.
Presentation of the master
The political theory track’ss curriculum includes the following elements:
- Historical, theoretical, and methodological training in the discipline
- A series of courses to develop deep and specialized knowledge
- The drafting of a research paper.
The program specifically targets students looking to work as researchers and teachers. It is also suitable for students considering careers in jobs that support or value research (editing, journalism, think tanks, and consulting); future experts in public or private international organizations; candidates for generalist competitive examinations in public service (international and European); and finally, diplomatic careers.
Targeted skills
The program offers excellent training in political theory based on the acquisition of specific skills: the ability to conceive and implement a research project, command of research tools, the ability to communicate research results, and the development of critical and independent thinking.
Structure of the track
The track offers “specialized” training in political theory that includes methodology courses. Three types of courses complement this specialized training. The first two consist of so-called “general” courses:
- The common core: courses offered by other political science tracks in the doctoral school (two courses)
- Common training: courses offered by other disciplines taught at Sciences Po, including history, sociology, law, and economics (two courses).
- Language courses (three courses).
Teaching staff
- Astrid von BUSEKIST, Full Professor at Sciences Po (CERI)
- Pierre CHARBONNIER, Chargé de recherche (CNRS/CEE)
- Ariel COLONOMOS, CNRS Research Professor at Sciences Po and senior researcher (CERI)
- Gil DELANNOI, Senior Research Fellow (CEVIPOF)
- Antoine GARAPON, Professor (Sciences Po Law School). He created L’Institut des hautes études sur la justice (institute for advanced judicial studies.
- Frédéric GROS, Scientific coordinator, Full Professor at Sciences Po (CEVIPOF)
- Samuel HAYAT, CNRS-affliated Research Fellow (CEVIPOF)
- Yaël HIRSCH, PhD in political science, director of Toute la culture
- Frédérique LEICHTER-FLACK, Full Professor (Sciences Po Centre for History)
- Annabelle LEVER, Full Professor at Sciences Po (CEVIPOF)
- Gloria ORIGGI, Research Director (CNRS/Institut Nicod)
- Philippe PORTIER, Director of Studies at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EHESS)
- Dominique REYNIE, Full Professor at Sciences Po (CEVIPOF)
- Julie SAADA, Full Professor (Sciences Po Law School)
- Jean-Frédéric SCHAUB, Research Director (CNRS / EHESS)
Visiting professors since 2004
- Lisa DISCH, Professor at the University of Michigan
- Alexis KELLER, Professeur à l’Université de Genève
- Tamar MEISELS, Professor at Tel Aviv University
- Ian SHAPIRO, Professor at Yale University
- Nadia URBINATI, Professor at Columbia University
- Yossi SHAIN, Professor at Tel Aviv University
- Mitchell COHEN, Professor at Baruch College
- Giacomo MARRAMAO, professor at the Univeristy Roma Tre
- Will KYMLICKA, Professor at Queen’s University
- Jean L. COHEN, Professor at Columbia University
- Mark LILLA, Professor of Humanities, Columbia University
Astrid von BUSEKIST
Scientific coordinator,
Full Professor at Sciences Po (CERI)
Contact us by e-mail or telephone to make an appointment:
Fathim Cisse
Administrative Officer
Ph.: +33 (0)1 45 49 72 06
More information
Points clés
- Two-year Master's
- Language: French
- ECTS: 120minimum