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Our boards

Board of advisors

The Board of Advisors provides external advice on the Sciences Po Law School's strategy and curriculum, lending their expertise to the success of the program and of our graduates.

  • PresidentJean-Michel Darrois, Founder and Partner, Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier
  • Pierre Aïdan, Co-founder, LegalStart
  • Julie Babin d'Amonville, Executive Director, Sciences Po Law School
  • Emmanuelle Barbara, Senior partner, August Debouzy
  • Elsa Bensaïd, Magistrate
  • Marion Delaigue, Partner, Latournerie Wolfrom Avocats
  • Myriam Dubois-Monkachi, Director of Studies and Student Success, Sciences Po
  • Vincent Forray, Professor, Sciences Po Law School
  • Stéphanie Fougou, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary General, Technicolor
  • Sergeï Guriev, Provost, Sciences Po
  • Aurélien Hamelle, General Counsel, Total
  • Julie Klein, Professor, Sciences Po Law School
  • Eric Lasry, Partner, Baker McKenzie
  • Romaric Lazerges, Partner, Allen & Overy
  • Anne-Sophie Le Lay, Group General Counsel, Groupe Suez
  • François Mazon, Partner, Bass Mazon Associés
  • Alain Minc, President, AM Conseil
  • Sébastien Pimont, Dean, Sciences Po Law School
  • Stéphane Puel, Partner, Gide Loyrette Nouel
  • Mathieu Remy, Managing Partner, Clifford Chance
  • Jeremy Perelman, Director, International Affairs, Sciences Po
  • Natacha Valla, Dean, School of Management and Impact, Sciences Po 

Pedagogical council

The pedagogical council assists the dean in the design of the curriculum, the choice and implementation of teaching methods, and the quality assurance process.

  • Julie Babin d'Amonville, Executive Director, Sciences Po Law School
  • Eric Barbier De La Serre, Partner, Jones Day
  • Geoffroy Berthelot, Judicial agent, SELARL BERTHELOT
  • Régis Bismuth, Professor, Sciences Po Law School
  • Jean-Pascal Chazal, Professor, Sciences Po Law School
  • Jean d'Aspremont, Professor, Sciences Po Law School
  • Myriam Dubois-Monkachi, Director of Studies and Student Success, Sciences Po
  • Séverine Dusollier, Professor and Director of Research Center, Sciences Po Law School
  • Lisa Fitoussi, General Secretary, Prepar-Vie
  • Pierre Laporte, Partner, Governances
  • Horatia Muir Watt, Professor, Sciences Po Law School
  • Jeremy Perelman, Associate Professor and Executive Director of the Clinic, Sciences Po Law School
  • Sébastien Pimont, Dean, Sciences Po Law School
  • Paul-André Rosental, Professor, Sciences Po
  • Student Representatives